APP - I read Cohens plea deal. President Trump is in the clear

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

They go after Cohen for tax fraud then scare him into copping to a non crime. I don't see anything in the plea where Cohen says Trump told him to hide it from campaign finance reporting. None. Not a peep. Not there. I guess the left blew it again. The Teflon Don strikes again.


As to Count No. Seven, on or about the summer of 2016,
Thank you, coordination with, and at the direction of, a candidate for federal office, I and the CEO of a media company at the request of the candidate worked together to keep an individual with information that would be harmful to the candidate and to the campaign from publicly disclosing this information.
number of discussions, we eventually accomplished the goal by the media company entering into a contract with the individual under which she received compensation of $150,000. participated in this conduct, which on my part took place in Manhattan, for the principal purpose of influencing the election.

Your Honor, as to Count No. Eight, on or about October
of 2016, in coordination with, and at the direction of, the same candidate, I arranged to make a payment to a second individual with information that would be harmful to the candidate and to the campaign to keep the individual from disclosing the information. company that was under my control to make a payment in the sum of $130,000. later repaid to me by the candidate. conduct, which on my part took place in Manhattan, for the principal purpose of influencing the election. To accomplish this, I used a The monies I advanced through my company were
What we learned here is that non-disclosure agreements and attorney-client privilege are meaningless.

Attorney-client privilege only applies when an attorney is defending you for a crime in court. It does not apply when you and the attorney commit a crime together.

Non-disclosure agreements also do not somehow magically nullify criminal law, you can't make someone sign a document requiring them to shut up about a crime you two committed, and then expect the government to respect that in court. It would ridiculous.
Attorney-client privilege only applies when an attorney is defending you for a crime in court. It does not apply when you and the attorney commit a crime together.

Non-disclosure agreements also do not somehow magically nullify criminal law, you can't make someone sign a document requiring them to shut up about a crime you two committed, and then expect the government to respect that in court. It would ridiculous.

It's not a crime to have sex with a consenting adult.