APP - I really do enjoy watching PMSNBC


Former Vice President
So for months all I have been hearing from Morning Shmo and his commie girlfriend Mocha is that Steve Bannon has to go.

Now this morning, they are saying "hmmmmm, maybe Bannon will have more impact on Trump outside the White House than in"

Too funny

They are also waking up to the fact that the democrat party is in real trouble. The DNC can't raise money, they have no unifying leader, they have no message outside a Papa Johns slogan, they despise the voters they are trying to lie to and they can't win a special election.

Oh, and everyone's favorite judge is probably going to win the special election in Alabama to replace Sessions. That means another Constitutional stud in the Senate. One by one, we will take it back. It won't happen overnight. But, we will purge the RINOS.

All of the virtue signaling and violence from the Antifa supporters won't stop it
They were priceless this morning after President Trump's masterful speech last night.

It seems Mika and Joe are mailing it in lately. They have missed more days than they have been on. Seems curious. Maybe they are making wedding plans? Or planning for Joe's Presidential run in 2020?
They were priceless this morning after President Trump's masterful speech last night.

It seems Mika and Joe are mailing it in lately. They have missed more days than they have been on. Seems curious. Maybe they are making wedding plans? Or planning for Joe's Presidential run in 2020?

Last night, one of them actually said they were expecting President Trump to "humble himself" and they were disappointed.
