I really like this joke

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head
Dixie went to court to get a divorce.

The judge asked him "what are your grounds?"

Dixie replied "I got 'bout a hunnert acres, your honor".

The judge said "That's not what I meant, Dixie. Why do you want a divorce? Is your wife a nagger?"

Dixie answered "No, your honor, but our last young 'un was. That's why I want a divorce".
Dixie went to court to get a divorce.

The judge asked him "what are your grounds?"

Dixie replied "I got 'bout a hunnert acres, your honor".

The judge said "That's not what I meant, Dixie. Why do you want a divorce? Is your wife a nagger?"

Dixie answered "No, your honor, but our last young 'un was. That's why I want a divorce".


Very cold.

Dixie has children?