I smell a Rivalry!


Softball Tournaments
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Beer Drinking Contests
Grind said:
I prefer not to associate with 'the others' :p

Okay... I have an idea... being that you are the oldest known member of the forum before the last forum (according to your mem # at poltics.com)... and being how you were unjustly banished from the kindom of SiR for all eternity... you will be our MASCOT!!!

We'll be the Just Plain Grinds!
I'll represent in the beer contest. I'll REPRESENT! Trust me, I've been practicing for 15 years, daily. No, hourly.
I was #84 at politics.com. Only stories and canadiankid (of the now known members) had an earlier number.

And at politics.com, a popular site, #84 was like one of the first active numbers too.

Which makes my messageboard cred go through the roof.

Beer drinking and war games?

Alcohol and guns?? My two fav hobbies!!!

But since I am only a newbie, I have no clue about the numbering system.
Okay... I have an idea... being that you are the oldest known member of the forum before the last forum (according to your mem # at poltics.com)... and being how you were unjustly banished from the kindom of SiR for all eternity... you will be our MASCOT!!!

We'll be the Just Plain Grinds!

LOL - I have to say, that was the most fun I've had on any message board.

secret coups, betrayal, back stabbing, alliances....

man....good times Dix.....good times...:clink:
LOL - I have to say, that was the most fun I've had on any message board.

secret coups, betrayal, back stabbing, alliances....

man....good times Dix.....good times...:clink:
Let's not forget pushing so hard and using excessive contraband BBcoding that we actually got SR to shut the site down for a few days!!!
