He is certainly open to all of them, some people will believe anything.you should have called the thread how many conspiracy theories does usc really believe in.
You got me all wrong Dano. I am the quiet guy sitting in the corner listening.
Were you describing yourself ?
beware of the quiet ones in the corner.
Yeah, those are the farts you blame on the dog.beware of the quiet ones in the corner.
"it's just business" is the biggest conspiracy of brainwashed bullshit ever created. Like somehow 'business' is removed from all moral contexts. Ambition is for losers.
Ambition is what you have when you aren't living in the Middle Ages. Ever since the Enlightenment, Western man has had ambition.
Ambition is what you have in a brainwashed fascist society, when people are inculcated with shame from birth, and told to please fascsts to feel better.
So, would you prefer to live on the manor or in the monastiery? Your pick.
There can be free trade and hard work. Ambition is something else. It's an elitist neuroses, especially in the modern context where towing the party line is what creates success, through the corrup instrument of fiat currency, which perverts the value chain.
U R Wrong. Ambition is what leads to free trade and hard work, which in the modern, commercial world, is applied to the purpose of producing wealth, goods, and services.
There was hard work on the manor and in the monastiery, surviving, farming, maintaining order, praying, laboring, etc., but it was done as a product of obligation and duty, not of ambition.
You are wrong. Ambition is what lead to backstabbing liars in the workplace, and sucking totalitarian dick to gain power.