I support monoculturalism in Mississippi

Remove all the whites, then we can have monoculturalism.

Interesting. David Duke suggested something similar. Parts of the South would be given to Blacks and parts off the Northwest would be given to Whites. Both could have their own Ethno-States.
"Updated | Since the election of President Donald Trump, right-wing white nationalists—also called the “alt-right”—have been punched, chastised and ridiculed for their hateful beliefs.

But as of last month, it looks like they might’ve found some non-white friends online.

Minister Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, tweeted on October 13 that now was the time to bring his separatist dream to fruition: “Black people: We should be more convinced that it is time for us to separate and build a nation of our own,” he wrote, which was first reported by the Anti-Defamation League.

Soon after, leaders of the alt-right replied to Farrakhan with an invitation to join forces to realize their shared goal of an ethno-state: “This is the sort of self-determination we and the broader Alt-Right support. Would you like to discuss this in a public forum?” Jared Taylor, founding editor of the white supremacist magazine, American Resistance, asked Farrakhan."

You may have to hand in your 'PC FASCIST Membership Card' on this one, Woke?
Remove all the whites, then we can have monoculturalism.

Are you going to separate bi-racial children from their families at the border and hold them in concentration camps until they are old enough to apply for amnesty? Very trendy now.

Are you going to ban Rap & R&B that samples white artists? Gotta keep you monoculturalism pure, you know.

What is your movement's position on french manicures? Will they be a felony or just a misdemeanor? Sisters love them some mani's.
Well he's been a member here since he was in high school. His real handle is "Watermark" which doesn't take much imagination to figure out how I came up with Skidmark. LOL

That explain a lot. Thanks. ('Skidmark' ... {grimacing} ... are you sure you guys are friends?)
That explain a lot. Thanks. ('Skidmark' ... {grimacing} ... are you sure you guys are friends?)
Friends with Skidmark???!!

Shoot I'm at the top of his list as one of the first to be executed in a reeducation camp when he becomes world Dictator of the Proletariat.....Hell yes we're good friends. What else would you think? ;)

I offered to let him stay me when he had a shot at a job here in Cbus when he was unemployed out of college and I also started a donation pool to buy him a hooker and get him laid so he wouldn't be so damned spastic but after we collected the money the mongoloid defective turned it down on the basis of "I might have to talk to her".

Having said that....i've never seen a better internet troll than Skidmark. He leaves Legion Troll in his dust.
Friends with Skidmark???!!

Shoot I'm at the top of his list as one of the first to be executed in a reeducation camp when he becomes world Dictator of the Proletariat.....Hell yes we're good friends. What else would you think? ;)

I offered to let him stay me when he had a shot at a job here in Cbus when he was unemployed out of college and I also started a donation pool to buy him a hooker and get him laid so he wouldn't be so damned spastic but after we collected the money the mongoloid defective turned it down on the basis of "I might have to talk to her".

Having said that....i've never seen a better internet troll than Skidmark. He leaves Legion Troll in his dust.

Gee! I'm new here, but all this time, I thought Legina was the only Troll here.
And ... why would he think he had to talk to a Hooker?
So, ... Troll AND not overly bright?

(Thanks, Mott. I will jot this down in my JPP Journal that I recently purchased for just this purpose, this is good stuff)
Gee! I'm new here, but all this time, I thought Legina was the only Troll here.
And ... why would he think he had to talk to a Hooker?
So, ... Troll AND not overly bright?

(Thanks, Mott. I will jot this down in my JPP Journal that I recently purchased for just this purpose, this is good stuff)
Oh contrar. Despite his idiosyncrasies Skidmark is one the most intelligent and well read members on JPP. Which is why I give him so much shit. No member can cause mass spading of wingnuts like he does. Not even Desh!
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Oh contrar. Despite his idiosyncrasies Skidmark is the most intelligent and well read members on JPP. No member can cause mass spading of wingnuts like he does. Not even Desh!

OK. (getting stubby pencil, wetting it with lips) Jotting ALL this down. Thanks to TOP, I have a Glen Beck chalkboard with all the Players AND their socks diagramed out for instant JPP Forum info. (yes, yes, at first it IS a little confusing, but if I step back (and use my Pointer Stick) it all becomes clear.
'Skidmark the Anti-Christ'. Thanks, iewitness. This does have a catchy ring to it.

of course you misrepresent what I said. "spirit of antichrist". all false witnesses are false representatives. you won't get it. it is a spiritual thing.
Oh. OK. Thanks for the clarification. I thought because of the timing you were saying something?
"waterhead" is actually a rare specimen of "laban"/ whiteness. watermark hates himself and his own family; after all, he is literally retarded.
Oh contrar. Despite his idiosyncrasies Skidmark is one the most intelligent and well read members on JPP. Which is why I give him so much shit. No member can cause mass spading of wingnuts like he does. Not even Desh!

Mott, if are going to be a poseur then at least spell au contraire correctly!!