I Think I have it Figured out


Verified User
The right complains about the lefts rioting, lefts rioting is bad. The right searches for a solution. The right decides rioting is the solution and takes a page from the lefts playbook. The right is obviously low IQ and meth addicted the evidence is too strong.
The right complains about the lefts rioting, lefts rioting is bad. The right searches for a solution. The right decides rioting is the solution and takes a page from the lefts playbook. The right is obviously low IQ and meth addicted the evidence is too strong.

That post is meth-like.

But since you brought it up, notice the universal full-throated condemnation from the right over the ‘rights riot’?

Why can’t the left do that with their ‘much more abundant and costly’ rioters?
The right complains about the lefts rioting, lefts rioting is bad. The right searches for a solution. The right decides rioting is the solution and takes a page from the lefts playbook. The right is obviously low IQ and meth addicted the evidence is too strong.
That post is meth-like.

But since you brought it up, notice the universal full-throated condemnation from the right over the ‘rights riot’?

Why can’t the left do that with their ‘much more abundant and costly’ rioters?

It's just LW hate speech. If you read your own posts into a mirror, you might understand, Opie. :)
you asg's are used to it I know. Does your mother know you are a moderator? You're afraid to tell her arent you?

Dude, you're proving you are the biggest ASG on JPP. Phan is fine and her mother loved her all her life. You? You obviously have mommy issues. You're a little old to be still carrying that around, aren't you?

Most adult men with mommy issues are either the youngest or among the youngest siblings. Which were you? I was the oldest of three growing up.
Dude, you're proving you are the biggest ASG on JPP. Phan is fine and her mother loved her all her life. You? You obviously have mommy issues. You're a little old to be still carrying that around, aren't you?

Most adult men with mommy issues are either the youngest or among the youngest siblings. Which were you? I was the oldest of three growing up.

another low IQ type. moderators are vile disgusting creatures, very simple really.
another low IQ type. moderators are vile disgusting creatures, very simple really.

Your hatred is part of the problem with America.
‘Hate speech’ is a left wing construct, Carp

You seem to have latent left wing tendencies. Have you considered counseling?
It's a type of speech, Opie. Making "hate speech" a crime is a Left Wing construct. If you had an IQ over 85, you might understand the difference.

I'm socially liberal, fiscally conservative. I don't give a shit what you do as long as you don't do it on my lawn or make me pay for it. What does that make me in your eyes, Opie?
Your hatred is part of the problem with America. It's a type of speech, Opie. Making "hate speech" a crime is a Left Wing construct. If you had an IQ over 85, you might understand the difference.

I'm socially liberal, fiscally conservative. I don't give a shit what you do as long as you don't do it on my lawn or make me pay for it. What does that make me in your eyes, Opie?

Calling people ‘haters’ is a leftie thing, Carp. Hate speech doesn’t need to be criminalized in order to be used to stifle dissenting opinions.

I hate ideas and opinions. People are off limits.
Calling people ‘haters’ is a leftie thing, Carp. Hate speech doesn’t need to be criminalized in order to be used to stifle dissenting opinions.

I hate ideas and opinions. People are off limits.
It's a Biblical thing, Opie. No surprise you are not a Christian and never went to Bible School. Maybe if you have more spiritual faith then you'd find more happiness in your life.

Leviticus 19:17-18
“You shall not hate your brother in your heart, but you shall reason frankly with your neighbor, lest you incur sin because of him. You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.

1 John 3:15
Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.

1 John 4:20
If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
