I think its funny


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All those lazy liberals who are sitting at home milking unemployment and stimulus who are making more money milking and abusing the system will get a big surprise when the benefits run out and they have been replaced with a illegal and their job is gone.
And the all owe it to themselves for voting for joe who flooded America with millions of illegals.

More proof democrats fuck themselves with their own policy's .
All those lazy liberals who are sitting at home milking unemployment and stimulus who are making more money milking and abusing the system will get a big surprise when the benefits run out and they have been replaced with a illegal and their job is gone.
And the all owe it to themselves for voting for joe who flooded America with millions of illegals.

More proof democrats fuck themselves with their own policy's .

Put down the crack pipe and take an English class you dumb fucking hillbilly.
All those lazy liberals who are sitting at home milking unemployment and stimulus who are making more money milking and abusing the system will get a big surprise when the benefits run out and they have been replaced with a illegal and their job is gone.
And the all owe it to themselves for voting for joe who flooded America with millions of illegals.

More proof democrats fuck themselves with their own policy's .

Capitalize the first letter of a name. Joe not joe. Plural words do not contain an apostrophe. Policies not policy's.

You're welcome.
Put down the crack pipe and take an English class you dumb fucking hillbilly.
Well whats wrong is the truth getting to you.
You know everything i said is true.
Liberals are drawing unemployment and the 300 a week stimulas for unemployment. There are lots of jobsopen but no one to fill them and the boarder was opened by joe and millions are flowing in lookingvfor work and they will tale those jobs.its all true you just dont like it because its true and proves how democrats love to fuck themselves
Well whats wrong is the truth getting to you.
You know everything i said is true.
Liberals are drawing unemployment and the 300 a week stimulas for unemployment. There are lots of jobsopen but no one to fill them and the boarder was opened by joe and millions are flowing in lookingvfor work and they will tale those jobs.its all true you just dont like it because its true and proves how democrats love to fuck themselves

End your first sentence with a question mark. I not i. Stimulus not stimulas. Put a space between words. Border not boarder. Capitalize the first letter of a name. Joe not joe. A space between words, not a v. Take not tale. Put a space between a period and the first word of the next sentence. Capitalize the first word of a sentence. It's with an apostrophe, not its. Don't with an apostrophe. Don't not dont. End your sentence with a period.

You appear to be completely illiterate.

You're welcome.
End your first sentence with a question mark. I not i. Stimulus not stimulas. Put a space between words. Border not boarder. Capitalize the first letter of a name. Joe not joe. A space between words, not a v. Take not tale. Put a space between a period and the first word of the next sentence. Capitalize the first word of a sentence. It's with an apostrophe, not its. Don't with an apostrophe. Don't not dont. End your sentence with a period.

You appear to be completely illiterate.

You're welcome.
I cant type very good and am bad a spelling. So what . millions are . but i was smart enough not to vote democrat. That god I wasnt born a idiot or faggot like most democrats or a socialist who hates America.
Im right about democrats and we all lnow it they are a sock bunch of rasical assholes
I cant type very good and am bad a spelling. So what . millions are . but i was smart enough not to vote democrat. That god I wasnt born a idiot or faggot like most democrats or a socialist who hates America

Can't not cant. Very well, not very good. Yes, it's obvious that you couldn't spell cat if I spotted you the C and the T. There is no space between the last letter of a sentence and the period. Capitalize the first letter of a sentence. God is capitalized. Wasn't not wasnt. End a sentence with a period.

You're welcome.
All those lazy liberals who are sitting at home milking unemployment and stimulus who are making more money milking and abusing the system will get a big surprise when the benefits run out and they have been replaced with a illegal and their job is gone.
And the all owe it to themselves for voting for joe who flooded America with millions of illegals.

More proof democrats fuck themselves with their own policy's .

What an ignorant retard you are. The educated parts of the country are blue, NY the financial and cultural capital, California the tech capital and we can go one with other examples. Blue states pay for the slack jawed red states

Lazy liberals? :laugh:
What an ignorant retard you are. The educated parts of the country are blue, NY the financial and cultural capital, California the tech capital and we can go one with other examples. Blue states pay for the slack jawed red states

Lazy liberals? :laugh:
facts are facts dumbass employers cant find help people wont come back to work to busy milking the money. S you know I know a guy who details cars middle aged black guy . Hes running his car detailing business a lawn business and a tree cutting business aso a e bay business and drawing unemployment . I no longer talk to him typical black liberal like you .
Can't not cant. Very well, not very good. Yes, it's obvious that you couldn't spell cat if I spotted you the C and the T. There is no space between the last letter of a sentence and the period. Capitalize the first letter of a sentence. God is capitalized. Wasn't not wasnt. End a sentence with a period.

You're welcome.
spelling has nothing to due with the truth about democrats
Do not due. Capitalize the first letter of a sentence. Capitalize Democrats. End a sentence with a period.

You're welcome.
O my the dreaded liberal spelling police self appointed asshole who attacks me for posting the truth because he cant handle the truth. Just another democrat ass kisser
O my the dreaded liberal spelling police self appointed asshole who attacks me for posting the truth because he cant handle the truth. Just another democrat ass kisser

Oh not O. Can't not cant. Democrat not democrat. End your sentences with a period.

You're welcome.
What an ignorant retard you are. The educated parts of the country are blue, NY the financial and cultural capital, California the tech capital and we can go one with other examples. Blue states pay for the slack jawed red states

Lazy liberals? :laugh:

ny and cali both are close to bankruptcy and are shit holes just your kind of place
facts are facts dumbass employers cant find help people wont come back to work to busy milking the money. S you know I know a guy who details cars middle aged black guy . Hes running his car detailing business a lawn business and a tree cutting business aso a e bay business and drawing unemployment . I no longer talk to him typical black liberal like you .

You mean he no longer talks to you because he's righteously pegged you as a low IQ Trumptard lying racist.

Another thing you're wrong about is the political flavor of those collecting unemployment. They are of all (and many none) political viewpoints. How do we know this? Rural counties, even in otherwise "blue" states, tend to vote for conservative candidates. Yet they are reporting the same problems as towns and cities in finding workers, and blaming it on the same thing -- extended unemployment benefits.

Does it hurt to always be stupid and wrong?
You mean he no longer talks to you because he's righteously pegged you as a low IQ Trumptard lying racist.

Another thing you're wrong about is the political flavor of those collecting unemployment. They are of all (and many none) political viewpoints. How do we know this? Rural counties, even in otherwise "blue" states, tend to vote for conservative candidates. Yet they are reporting the same problems as towns and cities in finding workers, and blaming it on the same thing -- extended unemployment benefits.

Does it hurt to always be stupid and wrong?

No I no longer talk to him or do business with him because hes scamming the state and government Something you democrats are good at. And your wrong democrats are faking and republicans also.but my experience has taught me your kind are much more likely to commit crimes .
So whats it like being a stupid whore?.