I think smaller govt should strat with this guy, fire him!


Villified User
GOP Rep. Burton Skips House Votes to Play Golf

Monday, February 12, 2007


Rep. Dan Burton

Indiana Republican Rep. Dan Burton apologized Monday for missing 19 votes to play in a golf tournament in January.

Burton, a high-ranking member on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, told local talk show host Greg Garrison that he missed the votes in January after making reservations to play in the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic while Republicans were still in office, according to a report in The Indianapolis Star. Burton said he didn't think Republicans, who he expected to maintain the majority, would have scheduled votes so early in the year.

you should want him to stay; isn't it better for you dems to have a republican who doesn't vote than to have one that does vote?
I am not a dem. I am against all corruption and such in government.
Do we pay this guy to play golf or work ?
he was working; you don't think he was playing with lobbyists??? how do you think he got invited in the first place? not cuz of his golfing skills, i assure you!!
lobbyin is legal; so golfing with lobbyists isn't corrupt, as long as he paid his own way................heheheheh!
no; that's laziness; corruption is doing a job you're paid to do for someone else who's 'paying' you, too!!!