APP - I think the gloves are finally off


The prevailing wisdom among lefties and the lame stream media is that Trump fired Comey because he wanted to get the silly Russia investigation shut down.

Personally I don't think so. Even if that were his motive it failed spectacularly. Trump is many things but he isn't stupid.

Now I will admit their reasons and explanations have been uneven.

What I think is happening is that Trump has decided that if the left wants to play hardball then he is as well. He is going to let the FBI and DOJ relook at Clintons lawbreaking. Of course he couldn't say that.

After winning Trump tried to be magnanimous and was going to let Hillary off the hook. Any sane person knows she broke the law. Nad how do lefties repay Trump? They lie and launch phony investigations. It was Clinton and her camp who launched the phony Russia allegations.

Now it is time for her to pay
They did fail to appreciate his gesture and it will cost them. Quite a lot of them have serious skeletons and we will start hearing about them.