I think this is totally disgusting

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Woman hunter kills elephant with bow and arrow

Female hunter Teressa Groenewald-Hagerman has become the first woman in the world to shoot an elephant dead with a bow and arrow.

Last Updated: 7:42AM BST 07 May 2009

Teressa Groenewald-Hagerman standing next to her kill

Groenewald-Hagerman, 39, she sneaked into the animals herd and killed the creature with one shot from just 12 yards.
The woman, from Kansas, was inspired to go on the safari after being challenged by a male friend who said women could never draw such a heavy bow.

She worked out for four hours a day for eight months to be able to draw the huge PSE XF Bow big enough to kill the majestic creature. The huntswoman wrote her own blog about her trip to Zimbabwe where she found the elephant in 2007.

She describes leaving the animal overnight lying on its side before returning to check it was actually dead the next day.
On the hunting website 'Hunts of a Lifetime' Hagerman wrote: "A man by the name of Larry, who is a videographer for Orion Multi Media, bet me I couldn't shoot a buffalo or elephant with a bow.
"He indicated only one or two women had completed the buffalo with a bow and no woman had ever taken an elephant with a bow. Of course, I couldn't turn down the challenge."

So, determined to win her wager Hagerman began training how to use the heavy bow for the next 12 months.
"The bow was awesome. I think it fit me well," wrote Hagerman on archerytalk.com.

"The rest of the event of the evening was spent sitting around the fire pit. I made a commitment not to enjoy any wine or dessert until I accomplished my goal. I couldn't wait to get my elephant."
The blonde boasted about the slaughter, which happened near Bulawayo, the second largest city in Zimbabwe.

"I shot the elephant at 12 yards with one arrow," she writes.
"It was shot near dark. We went back the next day and found him. I was in the middle of 37 elephants when I took my shot. This was my first bow kill and first woman to take an ele with a bow."
Hagerman, who was born in Texas and raised in Missouri, began hunting at the age of 24.

A year later, she started marketing for Out of Africa Adventurous Safaris and became a professional hunter in South Africa. There she began hunting numerous 'big game' in the bush.
Hagerman has received praise from other hunters who hail her as the first ever woman to kill an elephant with a bow and arrow.

One blogger on texasbowhunter.com described her as: "Stunning looking, and a [sic] avid hunter." The blogger, called Africanbowhunter, continued: "Her shot was made at 12 yards and the Bull traveled [sic] 500 yards before going down. 500 African Villagers were fed with the meat from the Bull.:) [sic]" Another admiring blogger called BO-N-ARO wrote: "12 yards!!! I bet they had a great blood trail because of the low entry!! She had to have been shooting UP! That has to be one of the best examples of setting a goal and working hard to achieve it!"

Hagerman's trip was paid for by several sponsors including the bow company, PSE, and Foxy Huntress, a company that make hunting clothing for women.
Hagerman promoted her kill and endorsed the clothing simultaneously on the clothing site. She wrote: "Foxy Huntress provided me with all the clothes a woman could dream of having on a safari. There were so many great things to wear. Being the woman that I am, I was excited about wearing all the different outfits."

Sixty years ago a man called Howard Hill took out an elephant with a bow and it has hardly been attempted since.
Hunting elephants for sport is not illegal in some parts of Africa and many tour companies allow tourists to visit on organised hunting trips. Tour operators and hunters argue that elephants get out of control when not properly culled and can destroy crops and small buildings in rural villages.
Villagers in Zimbabwe have been resorting to elephant culls to survive since the economical meltdown caused by the Mugabe regime.
Teressa Groenewald-Hagerman was not available for comment.
elephants are likely self aware. They are in our special club. Grind says: Don't kill elephants.
What a hero. I like the way the article described how she prepared for the "hunt" by working out, as if what she did was in any way admirable

This makes me sick. And very sad.
She left it to die a long and painful death overnight:


Teressa Groenewald-Hagerman poses over magnificent elephant she downed with a bow and arrow then left to die overnight

By Alex Millson
Last updated at 4:29 PM on 07th May 2009

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A woman hunter clutches a bow and grins as she poses next to the body of an elephant she has killed with a single arrow.

In a scene that will sicken animal lovers and anti-hunting groups, proud Teressa Groenewald-Hagerman stands over her kill after becoming the first woman to kill an elephant in such a manner.

The 39-year-old, from Kansas in the U.S. travelled to troubled Zimbabwe where she could hunt the creature legally.

She shot the creature then left it to die overnight before plucking up the courage to approach the carcasse.
Enlarge Teressa Groenewald-Hagerman killed elephant

Teressa Groenewald-Hagerman, 39, poses next to the elephant she killed with the bow and arrow she is holding

After creeping up on the herd she drew back the bow and fired the arrow into her target - from just 12 yards away.

The injured creature staggered 500 yards,leaving a bloody trail, before crashing to the ground.

The sick image of her so-called 'achievement' was posted on the internet, where Ms Groenewald-Hagerman boasted of her hunting exploits.

She said she had worked out for four hours a day for eight months in order to be able to fire the weapon with enough force to bring it down during the 2007 trip.

She describes leaving the animal overnight lying on its side before returning to check it was actually dead the next day.

On the website 'Hunts of a Lifetime' Ms Hagerman wrote: 'A man by the name of Larry, who is a videographer for Orion Multi Media, bet me I couldn't shoot a buffalo or elephant with a bow.

'He indicated only one or two women had completed the buffalo with a bow and no woman had ever taken an elephant with a bow. Of course, I couldn't turn down the challenge.'

On another site she added: 'The bow was awesome. I think it fit me well. I couldn't wait to get my elephant..

On the moment of the slaughter, which happened near Bulawayo, the second largest city in Zimbabwe, she added: 'I shot the elephant at 12 yards with one arrow. It was shot near dark.

'We went back the next day and found him. I was in the middle of 37 elephants when I took my shot. This was my first bow kill and first woman to take an ele with a bow.'

One blogger on texasbowhunter.com described her as: 'Stunning looking, and an avid hunter.'

Another admiring blogger called BO-N-ARO wrote: 'That has to be one of the best examples of setting a goal and working hard to achieve it.'

Hagerman's trip was paid for by several sponsors including the bow company, PSE, and Foxy Huntress, a company that makes hunting clothing for women.

Hunting elephants for sport is legal in some parts of Africa and many tour companies allow tourists to visit on organised hunting trips.

Tour operators and hunters argue that elephants get out of control when not properly culled and can destroy crops and small buildings in rural villages.

Ms Groenewald-Hagerman was not available for comment.

I am in love. Any woman that can use a bow & arrow to kill a elephant has got my respect.:clap:

To all you crybabies:crybaby:

If you are going to hunt you need to make sure you can kill the animal quickly and humanely.

This was neither.

I am in love. Any woman that can use a bow & arrow to kill a elephant has got my respect.:clap:

To all you crybabies:crybaby:


I'm against the crybabies as well. It's like... shut the fuck up idiots, we slaughter cows, chickens and pigs in massive kill lines.

However, elephants are one of the smartest animals so they should be at the bottom of a list.
Maybe if the Elephant wouldn't have been let to die an agonizing death overnight it would be different? Or if Elephants weren't nearly driven to extinction and still need to be protected from hunters?

If you believe you would be unable to deliver a second mercy shot out of fear of your life, you should've never gone on the hunting trip
What a hero. I like the way the article described how she prepared for the "hunt" by working out, as if what she did was in any way admirable

This makes me sick. And very sad.
Yup. Any animal that can create art...

To me it's like killing a dolphin. Just fricking way wrong.
Unfortunately Mugabe is not only mad but short of foreign currency, so this is happening on a regular basis. Chelsey Davy's father runs a huge gaming ranch in Zimbabwe for rich Americans and others to shoot wild animals. She is better known as the on/off girlfriend of Prince Harry.

Yup. Any animal that can create art...

To me it's like killing a dolphin. Just fricking way wrong.
Last edited:
Woman hunter kills elephant with bow and arrow

Female hunter Teressa Groenewald-Hagerman has become the first woman in the world to shoot an elephant dead with a bow and arrow.

Last Updated: 7:42AM BST 07 May 2009

Teressa Groenewald-Hagerman standing next to her kill

Groenewald-Hagerman, 39, she sneaked into the animals herd and killed the creature with one shot from just 12 yards.
The woman, from Kansas, was inspired to go on the safari after being challenged by a male friend who said women could never draw such a heavy bow.

She worked out for four hours a day for eight months to be able to draw the huge PSE XF Bow big enough to kill the majestic creature. The huntswoman wrote her own blog about her trip to Zimbabwe where she found the elephant in 2007.

She describes leaving the animal overnight lying on its side before returning to check it was actually dead the next day.
On the hunting website 'Hunts of a Lifetime' Hagerman wrote: "A man by the name of Larry, who is a videographer for Orion Multi Media, bet me I couldn't shoot a buffalo or elephant with a bow.
"He indicated only one or two women had completed the buffalo with a bow and no woman had ever taken an elephant with a bow. Of course, I couldn't turn down the challenge."

So, determined to win her wager Hagerman began training how to use the heavy bow for the next 12 months.
"The bow was awesome. I think it fit me well," wrote Hagerman on archerytalk.com.

"The rest of the event of the evening was spent sitting around the fire pit. I made a commitment not to enjoy any wine or dessert until I accomplished my goal. I couldn't wait to get my elephant."
The blonde boasted about the slaughter, which happened near Bulawayo, the second largest city in Zimbabwe.

"I shot the elephant at 12 yards with one arrow," she writes.
"It was shot near dark. We went back the next day and found him. I was in the middle of 37 elephants when I took my shot. This was my first bow kill and first woman to take an ele with a bow."
Hagerman, who was born in Texas and raised in Missouri, began hunting at the age of 24.

A year later, she started marketing for Out of Africa Adventurous Safaris and became a professional hunter in South Africa. There she began hunting numerous 'big game' in the bush.
Hagerman has received praise from other hunters who hail her as the first ever woman to kill an elephant with a bow and arrow.

One blogger on texasbowhunter.com described her as: "Stunning looking, and a [sic] avid hunter." The blogger, called Africanbowhunter, continued: "Her shot was made at 12 yards and the Bull traveled [sic] 500 yards before going down. 500 African Villagers were fed with the meat from the Bull.:) [sic]" Another admiring blogger called BO-N-ARO wrote: "12 yards!!! I bet they had a great blood trail because of the low entry!! She had to have been shooting UP! That has to be one of the best examples of setting a goal and working hard to achieve it!"

Hagerman's trip was paid for by several sponsors including the bow company, PSE, and Foxy Huntress, a company that make hunting clothing for women.
Hagerman promoted her kill and endorsed the clothing simultaneously on the clothing site. She wrote: "Foxy Huntress provided me with all the clothes a woman could dream of having on a safari. There were so many great things to wear. Being the woman that I am, I was excited about wearing all the different outfits."

Sixty years ago a man called Howard Hill took out an elephant with a bow and it has hardly been attempted since.
Hunting elephants for sport is not illegal in some parts of Africa and many tour companies allow tourists to visit on organised hunting trips. Tour operators and hunters argue that elephants get out of control when not properly culled and can destroy crops and small buildings in rural villages.
Villagers in Zimbabwe have been resorting to elephant culls to survive since the economical meltdown caused by the Mugabe regime.
Teressa Groenewald-Hagerman was not available for comment.

This revolting POS needs to be waterboarded. :mad:
What a dumb whore.

Personally, I think elephants, whales, dolphins and most primates are in a special category of their own (animals of higher intelligence/reasoning), and should therefore be protected.