APP - I thought Bobby Mueller was supposed to be the best?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So let's review what has happened since Bobby Mueller was unconstitutionally appointed as special counsel to investigate RUSSIAN COLLUSION (muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha)

First he bullies Michael Flynn who did nothing wrong and supposedly Michael Flynn was going to FLIP on President Trump. Haven't seen a flip yet have you?

Then he bullies Paul Manafort on charges that he refuses to levy against democrat party associates who committed the same alleged crimes. Supposedly he is going to get Manafort to FLIP on President Trump. No flipping yet and Manafort is at trial. One would think he would have flipped by now wouldn't one?

Oh and Papadopolous was supposed to FLIP on President Trump.

And supposedly Mueller has Trump dead to rights on the infamous Trump Tower meeting which nobody denies took place

And supposedly Mueller has Trump dead to rights on "obstruction of justice" for firing Crooked Copy Comey.

With all of this, one wonders, what is Mueller waiting on? If we are to take the lefts word for it, Mueller has enough to not only have President Trump impeached, but sent to Leavenworth.

One wonders
So let's review what has happened since Bobby Mueller was unconstitutionally appointed as special counsel to investigate RUSSIAN COLLUSION (muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha)

First he bullies Michael Flynn who did nothing wrong and supposedly Michael Flynn was going to FLIP on President Trump. Haven't seen a flip yet have you?

Then he bullies Paul Manafort on charges that he refuses to levy against democrat party associates who committed the same alleged crimes. Supposedly he is going to get Manafort to FLIP on President Trump. No flipping yet and Manafort is at trial. One would think he would have flipped by now wouldn't one?

Oh and Papadopolous was supposed to FLIP on President Trump.

And supposedly Mueller has Trump dead to rights on the infamous Trump Tower meeting which nobody denies took place

And supposedly Mueller has Trump dead to rights on "obstruction of justice" for firing Crooked Copy Comey.

With all of this, one wonders, what is Mueller waiting on? If we are to take the lefts word for it, Mueller has enough to not only have President Trump impeached, but sent to Leavenworth.

One wonders

One does wonder, doesn't one, Don?
One does wonder, doesn't one, Don?

I guess one could argue that Bobby Mueller is just trying to be thorough, but if President Trump is as big a thread to our democracy as our friends on the left always claim, one wonders why Bobby would wait. I mean if he were to "get" President Trump, one would think he would be the leading candidate on the democrat party ticket in 2020 wouldn't one?
I guess one could argue that Bobby Mueller is just trying to be thorough, but if President Trump is as big a thread to our democracy as our friends on the left always claim, one wonders why Bobby would wait. I mean if he were to "get" President Trump, one would think he would be the leading candidate on the democrat party ticket in 2020 wouldn't one?

Perhaps Mueller is waiting to release an October surprise of some sort, Don.