I View Trumpism Similar To Orson Welles Panicked Radio Crowd


Diversity Makes Greatness
We have nearly half the nation that simply does not believe the news. Instead, they are responding to a fictional narrative.

This narrative has them fearful of non-realistic threats. And they won't stop to listen to reason.

They won't listen to anyone who does not share their views because part of the narrative they believe includes reasons to not listen to people who believe the news.

Remember back when the coronavirus was just coming on? Trump supporters told us it was nothing; the common cold was a bigger danger. They carried on about how few deaths we had.

Now that we have almost a quarter million deaths from coronavirus, we don't hear those false right wing arguments anymore. Instead, they have gone into a combination of 'Oh, it's not so bad," coupled with a "I'm not afraid." attitude. And that's reckless.

But they are afraid and very afraid. What they are afraid of is what is depicted in the narrative that Democrats are socialists and socialism is about the same as communism. They actually believe if Democrats get control, freedom will be lost, the economy will be destroyed, property values will plummet, and you're going to be taxed to death.

Yeah, that would be scary, if it were actually true. But that's the problem. They think it is actually true, and that is why they are so terrified.

And just like the panicked crowd running from HG Wells fictional narrative performed by Orson Welles as a Halloween prank radio show, there is no telling the right what we on the left really believe. They have their own narrative.

The right would rather believe what talking heads say about the left than to actually listen to the left, or even the news.

I also think the better educated and well off on the right don't really buy in as much to the narrative, but they support it because they like the power it gives their political party of choice.

And since there are not as many rich and powerful people as their are the rest of us, they have to divide us, the left and right, to keep us conquered.

If they can get just half of the nation to buy in to their narrative, they have the power to try to dominate the other half.

The struggle for America is the struggle for the truth.

How can we break through to the right? How can we overcome the grip of the narrative?

It's remarkable. Just like the right thinks the left is panicked over a silly nothing, this 'stupid China virus,' the left sees the right as panicked over a false narrative.

Each side can't understand why the other side believes what they believe. Science favors one side.

Science favors the left. And that's a funny thing, too. Science also has created a vaccine. Trump has carried on and on about having a vaccine by election day. Why would that matter if the coronavirus was nothing to worry about?

Well, maybe the wheels are coming off. At least a little. Not all Republicans are buying in to the 'elections got it wrong' narrative.

They know that Biden won. They wouldn't mind if Trump somehow makes his long shot legal challenges stick, but they know Biden won. They are just not speaking up, because, well, part of the narrative means you can never break from the narrative.
The only reason Biden didn't win by a larger margin was because of the virtual campaign instead of a normal ground game, which the Republicans ran as if no pandemic.

Republicans took a big chance with that and now corona is spiking. Rallies and blowing off the safety measures have made the pandemic worse. It was a giant mistake, but it is being discounted because the relationship is not straightforward. Nobody can easily say this particular act of irresponsibility actually killed this person.
Enjoy your starvation during the next 7 years. Biden and Harris will be eating lovely, I assure you.

I won't be starving like you, but I won't be eating pretty, either.

The diff is: I won't be starving. Fucking idiot.
We let the right off the hook using ignorance as their excuse.
They're not merely ignorant. They malicious, they're perverted, and they're unworthy of any consideration of any kind.

They shouldn't even be allowed an opinion while they maintain parasite status living on Blue State tax money.
We feed these asshole, but I favor letting them starve.
Socialism is how Red States survive. Without our money supporting them, they're Afghanistan.
We let the right off the hook using ignorance as their excuse.
They're not merely ignorant. They malicious, they're perverted, and they're unworthy of any consideration of any kind.

Agree. They are malicious. They want Trump to ruin our country and act like a dictator.
Some of them certainly are malicious. Others are just bought in.

You know, a lot of it is peer pressure.

A lot of people just figure if all their friends are for something that's good enough for them. They are not going to do the homework to become informed and decide for themselves. And they certainly don't want to take an opposing position to their peer group. No impetus to learn. Easier to just double down and downtalk liberals. 'Feels' right. Takes guts to be a liberal. They don't have what it takes.


Enjoy your starvation during the next 7 years. Biden and Harris will be eating lovely, I assure you.

I won't be starving like you, but I won't be eating pretty, either.

The diff is: I won't be starving. Fucking idiot.

This thread is a good example of proof of how the Left has been brainwashed....they can no long comprehend even simple realities that flow against the ideology that has taken over their head....these are minds deeply infected with idea pathogens.

They tend to have a real hard time behaving like civilized human beings as well.
We let the right off the hook using ignorance as their excuse.
They're not merely ignorant. They malicious, they're perverted, and they're unworthy of any consideration of any kind.

They shouldn't even be allowed an opinion while they maintain parasite status living on Blue State tax money.
We feed these asshole, but I favor letting them starve.
Socialism is how Red States survive. Without our money supporting them, they're Afghanistan.

You? Feed us in the rural farmlands? From your cities? Seriously?
When fuel prices rise, see how high your food prices rise.
We let the right off the hook using ignorance as their excuse.
They're not merely ignorant. They malicious, they're perverted, and they're unworthy of any consideration of any kind.

They shouldn't even be allowed an opinion while they maintain parasite status living on Blue State tax money.
We feed these asshole, but I favor letting them starve.
Socialism is how Red States survive. Without our money supporting them, they're Afghanistan.

You are completely full of shit. But the reason you are the one marxist on JPP I don’t have on ignore is that you are honest about your hatred while the rest try to conceal it

As for starving? I won’t. I suspect I will eat better than you while you wait in your food line “blaming republicans”

I know how to fish, hunt, preserve food and have all of the necessities of life. I raise goats for milk and if needed could be used for meat.

I suspect your don’t possess many survival skills but I am sure the democrat party apparatchiks will take good care of you
We have nearly half the nation that simply does not believe the news. Instead, they are responding to a fictional narrative.

This narrative has them fearful of non-realistic threats. And they won't stop to listen to reason.

They won't listen to anyone who does not share their views because part of the narrative they believe includes reasons to not listen to people who believe the news.

Remember back when the coronavirus was just coming on? Trump supporters told us it was nothing; the common cold was a bigger danger. They carried on about how few deaths we had.

Now that we have almost a quarter million deaths from coronavirus, we don't hear those false right wing arguments anymore. Instead, they have gone into a combination of 'Oh, it's not so bad," coupled with a "I'm not afraid." attitude. And that's reckless.

But they are afraid and very afraid. What they are afraid of is what is depicted in the narrative that Democrats are socialists and socialism is about the same as communism. They actually believe if Democrats get control, freedom will be lost, the economy will be destroyed, property values will plummet, and you're going to be taxed to death.

Yeah, that would be scary, if it were actually true. But that's the problem. They think it is actually true, and that is why they are so terrified.

And just like the panicked crowd running from HG Wells fictional narrative performed by Orson Welles as a Halloween prank radio show, there is no telling the right what we on the left really believe. They have their own narrative.

The right would rather believe what talking heads say about the left than to actually listen to the left, or even the news.

I also think the better educated and well off on the right don't really buy in as much to the narrative, but they support it because they like the power it gives their political party of choice.

And since there are not as many rich and powerful people as their are the rest of us, they have to divide us, the left and right, to keep us conquered.

If they can get just half of the nation to buy in to their narrative, they have the power to try to dominate the other half.

The struggle for America is the struggle for the truth.

How can we break through to the right? How can we overcome the grip of the narrative?

It's remarkable. Just like the right thinks the left is panicked over a silly nothing, this 'stupid China virus,' the left sees the right as panicked over a false narrative.

Each side can't understand why the other side believes what they believe. Science favors one side.

Science favors the left. And that's a funny thing, too. Science also has created a vaccine. Trump has carried on and on about having a vaccine by election day. Why would that matter if the coronavirus was nothing to worry about?

Well, maybe the wheels are coming off. At least a little. Not all Republicans are buying in to the 'elections got it wrong' narrative.

They know that Biden won. They wouldn't mind if Trump somehow makes his long shot legal challenges stick, but they know Biden won. They are just not speaking up, because, well, part of the narrative means you can never break from the narrative.

Not even close. The listening viewers of Orson Welles had little ability to discover that they were the victims of a practical joke.

Corruptrump dumbasses ignore the truth when it is laid out in front of them.
Hello Tacomaman,

Not even close. The listening viewers of Orson Welles had little ability to discover that they were the victims of a practical joke.

Corruptrump dumbasses ignore the truth when it is laid out in front of them.

Well that's the tricky part of this narrative.

The narrative has got that covered:

"They won't listen to anyone who does not share their views because part of the narrative they believe includes reasons to not listen to people who believe the news. "

Meaning: Anybody not bought in to the cult narrative is considered essentially fake news, don't believe.

The narrative essentially rules out anybody thinking for themselves. Cult members must accept the entire narrative or they are shunned. It's a very strong peer pressure sort of thing.

I noticed long ago that a crowd is really pretty dumb. A crowd appears to be limited to the intelligence of it's least smart individual. All it takes is for one individual to do something dumb and others will say: "Well that person did it!"

And somehow that makes it OK, if somebody else already did it.

No other considerations are quite as important.

If it's crowd-approved, then it is in.