I want a cool slanted, colored name

I asked Damo if I could keep mine after the next round of Werewolf begins. Green is my favorite color. :cool:
Black is mine, but I doubt that would work out well, since most fonts are black. After that is red, but then I'd be confused for a mod. Purple maybe, it'd have a kind of Mace Windu quality to me. Or blue, blue is good too.
Black is mine, but I doubt that would work out well, since most fonts are black. After that is red, but then I'd be confused for a mod. Purple maybe, it'd have a kind of Mace Windu quality to me. Or blue, blue is good too.

Yeah, I have the Coffee Skin, so black would show up well for me, but I only ditched the Part Trois Black because it suddenly got too dark on my monitor...

One of my trolls still has it, though... :)
Yeah, I have the Coffee Skin, so black would show up well for me, but I only ditched the Part Trois Black because it suddenly got too dark on my monitor...

One of my trolls still has it, though... :)
It's the one I use. It helps my eyes, especially at night. Bright colors and lights hurt my eyes.
Hmm, you might want to knock off the acid trips in that case... :pke:
I wish I could trip on acid. It's the only drug I've ever had the desire to try. But because of that, I know I shouldn't. I've heard stories about what normal people see and do, I can't imagine I'd walk away from the experience sane.