I want everyone to implode and die


on indefiniate mod break
I want to have all the safety warnings removed from household cleaning products

I want the earth to shake so hard people can't even walk without falling over

I want every airplane in the sky to dump their jet fuel unto residential areas

I want a gamma ray to slam into our planet, peeling our atmosphere away like the skin of an orange

I want to see violinists on raised platforms performing while everything is burning to ashes

I want a blackhole to open up and completely atomize everything we have ever fought for, died for, worked for. All history, all trace of all of us gone forever as we are atomized, and broken down to sub atomic particles before we are hurled into oblivion
Want what you want for Western Culture.

Until then, meet the natives. Best show ever.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0kyGFWmHPI"]YouTube- Meet The Natives[/ame]
I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to Grind. It must be a torment to go through life so pathetically bored and socially dysfunctional, that you resort to spewing absolute hatred for the entire human race, in order to amuse yourself. I can't imagine being that vapid and devoid of positive thoughts. It must really suck donkey balls to be you! Here's to a better year for you... perhaps you can do some soul searching and find happiness in your life.... oh wait, you don't believe in souls... too bad!
He's a lemming who fights simple concepts. I would rather go through life knowing things than resisting reality.

For someone who "knows things" you sure do play dumb a LOT!

I don't think there could be any simpler concept than Intelligent Design... it sure is much simpler than explaining how anti-matter became matter with an inexplicable 'Big Bang' and then, all the elements for creation of life were mysteriously produced from this explosion, then it all gets very technical with how a single-cell organism ultimately produced billions of interdependent life forms. THAT is a complex concept!
Grind, if you just off yourself it would be exactly as if all that happened without all the annoying getting into my business and stuff.
Grind, if you just off yourself it would be exactly as if all that happened without all the annoying getting into my business and stuff.

Starting out the New Year with a pathetic, self-seeking, starved for attention demonstration by the boychild.

He's soooooooooooo esoteric and DEEP....

still waters run deep... :cool:
I'm stroking my awesome facial hair. I don't know what that has to do with this thread, but I feel the utmost need to post it here.
Starting out the New Year with a pathetic, self-seeking, starved for attention demonstration by the boychild.

He's soooooooooooo esoteric and DEEP....

still waters run deep... :cool:
