I want one...

speeds up to 50 mph...cute car should be on the wal-mart shelves real soon...!:D
It goes far faster than 50. Geez. The speeds he was speaking of there was the sound at 50 MPH not the limit of the car.

The car goes 0 to 60 in under 6 seconds.
Good Lord damo...........

Don't get your panties in a bunch...I was just having fun with you...I cherry picked the 50mph comment like the libs love to do...Yes it is a cool car...and the range is some 220 miles...not bad for a electric car...I do believe the price will be above the average Joe to afford though...let's us both out eh'!
Don't get your panties in a bunch...I was just having fun with you...I cherry picked the 50mph comment like the libs love to do...Yes it is a cool car...and the range is some 220 miles...not bad for a electric car...I do believe the price will be above the average Joe to afford though...let's us both out eh'!

Translation: I can't read and now I want to play it off as some kind of joke.
Battlebourne, you dumbass, you just called yourself a typical lib trying to be funny to impress Darla and Cypress. Ohh... and you can't read.
Battlebourne, you dumbass, you just called yourself a typical lib trying to be funny to impress Darla and Cypress. Ohh... and you can't read.

Read the quote again...dumbass! I corrected the quote and Translation: to 'Real translation:' it was directed back at herself...God you are a nitwit!
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Read the quote again...dumbass! I corrected the quote and Translation: to 'Real translation:' it was directed back at herself...God you are a nitwit!

Had to reply to this as well once you edited your response cause you're wittiness didn't all come out in the first attempt. This is why you are a total dumbass, just because you added the word 'Real' in front of translation does not direct it back at Tiana. You are, in fact, saying her translation was wrong so here is what you meant. Dude you're retarded!
Listen close dip shit.............

Had to reply to this as well once you edited your response cause you're wittiness didn't all come out in the first attempt. This is why you are a total dumbass, just because you added the word 'Real' in front of translation does not direct it back at Tiana. You are, in fact, saying her translation was wrong so here is what you meant. Dude you're retarded!

I did not edit the 'real translation'...the edit was spacing...and long before your first bs comment! Thats why there is no edit time and date on the original post...I edited before I posted...God you are so dumb!
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I did not edit the 'real translation'...the edit was spacing...and long before your first bs comment!

No, I'm not saying you edited that, only proving you were right, you can't read.

I'm saying you edited the comment I quoted when in the process of replying to you. You probably should edit the 'real translation' comment though.
You are making a ass outta yourself...........

No, I'm not saying you edited that, only proving you were right, you can't read.

I'm saying you edited the comment I quoted when in the process of replying to you. You probably should edit the 'real translation' comment though.

Read the original post I made...no where does it relate to battleborne...it quotes Lady T as if she herself were writing her own quote...where did you go to school anyhoo...are you dyslexic?
Read the original post I made...no where does it relate to battleborne...it quotes Lady T as if she herself were writing her own quote...where did you go to school anyhoo...are you dyslexic?

LOL...you are not getting it at all.

Your ORIGINAL post is you stating that you were joking about it being a 50mph top speed. HAHA Funny!

Anyways, LadyT did a translation, which means 'Battlebourne meant this'. Then you posted a 'Real translation', which means 'No, I really meant this'. Even if it were quoting LadyT as saying it, it is still directed at you because you were posting the original statement that was being translated. I'm not dyslexic, but this kid with ADD has more ability to follow a conversation than you.

LOL...you are not getting it at all.

Your ORIGINAL post is you stating that you were joking about it being a 50mph top speed. HAHA Funny!

Anyways, LadyT did a translation, which means 'Battlebourne meant this'. Then you posted a 'Real translation', which means 'No, I really meant this'. Even if it were quoting LadyT as saying it, it is still directed at you because you were posting the original statement that was being translated. I'm not dyslexic, but this kid with ADD has more ability to follow a conversation than you.

I'm done with this nonsense...believe what ya may!