I want to repeat this on its own thread.


1960s Chick Magnet
Let's not overthink this.
Of course rural Middle America is under-represented in mainstream media.
Main-stream media is primarily consumed by urban people in densely populated areas.
It's not a slight.
It's responding to demand.

this urban coastal American fully believes
that conservative America is every bit as sincere as we are.

Like myself, they have values that are important to them,
but as it happens,
their values and my values are not realistically compatible.

It's not a matter of right and wrong.
Right and wrong appears very different when viewed through different social lenses.

It's a matter of different,
and it's a difference too huge in magnitude to be reconciled.

The "us and them" culture that accurately describes America
comes only as a result of us and them,
regardless of what my preferred candidate says,
actually having MORE cultural difference than similarities.

It's always been my political mantra
that there are NO moderate solutions to radical problems.

The cultural dissimilarities between people
trying to live under the same American government
in my mind
guarantee that that government will never exist in an atmosphere of domestic tranquility.
the "rural purge" blows your claims of responding to demand out the window. Popular shows that pushed a particular message were rejected for reasons other than demand
Let's not overthink this.
Of course rural Middle America is under-represented in mainstream media.
Main-stream media is primarily consumed by urban people in densely populated areas.
It's not a slight.
It's responding to demand.

this urban coastal American fully believes
that conservative America is every bit as sincere as we are.

Like myself, they have values that are important to them,
but as it happens,
their values and my values are not realistically compatible.

It's not a matter of right and wrong.
Right and wrong appears very different when viewed through different social lenses.

It's a matter of different,
and it's a difference too huge in magnitude to be reconciled.

The "us and them" culture that accurately describes America
comes only as a result of us and them,
regardless of what my preferred candidate says,
actually having MORE cultural difference than similarities.

It's always been my political mantra
that there are NO moderate solutions to radical problems.

The cultural dissimilarities between people
trying to live under the same American government
in my mind
guarantee that that government will never exist in an atmosphere of domestic tranquility.
All a result of a movement by leftists decades ago to advance "multiculturalism". America was no longer a melting pot but a "salad".
All a result of a movement by leftists decades ago to advance "multiculturalism". America was no longer a melting pot but a "salad".
It's part both.

People of a certain inclination intermingle, even procreating their own racial ethnicity out of existence in their own family lines.
I have no problem with that.

Other people like to maintain the heritage of their ancestors.
I have no problem with that either.

From the perspective of people like myself, though,
the big divide is less ethnic than political and sociological.

To people who don't really think too much about academic subjects like sociology, economics, and political theory,
the ethnic part, largely from a perspective of grievance, is always the major issue.
All a result of a movement by leftists decades ago to advance "multiculturalism". America was no longer a melting pot but a "salad".
Is this your explanation for the word salad that Trump spews every day? He's a victim of multiculturalism? Too many foreign wives perhaps?

It's part both.

People of a certain inclination intermingle, even procreating their own racial ethnicity out of existence in their own family lines.
I have no problem with that.

Other people like to maintain the heritage of their ancestors.
I have no problem with that either.

From the perspective of people like myself, though,
the big divide is less ethnic than political and sociological.

To people who don't really think too much about academic subjects like sociology, economics, and political theory,
the ethnic part, largely from a perspective of grievance, is always the major issue.
Incorrect. In "multiculturalism" the foundation of indenty politics was being laid out. Save us your nonsense. Intersectionality is the new cultural dynamic.
Incorrect. In "multiculturalism" the foundation of indenty politics was being laid out. Save us your nonsense. Intersectionality is the new cultural dynamic.
I always make a mistake when I hit the "show ignored content" button.

Anyway, if intersectionality is the new cultural dynamic--
I happen to think that it's been always the American cultural dynamic--
partition is the logical solution.
I'm good with that.
I always make a mistake when I hit the "show ignored content" button.

Anyway, if intersectionality is the new cultural dynamic--
I happen to think that it's been always the American cultural dynamic--
partition is the logical solution.
I'm good with that.
But intersectionality hasn't always been the cultural dynamic no matter how much you really really really think it's been. People have come from all over and maintained their customs but they were Americans. Hyphenated Americas is a new phenomenon but I don't expect a punching bag to remember that.

Please put me back on ignore. Your idiocy is alarming.