I Was Only Following Orders


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The Nuremberg Defense did not work for 10 top Nazis who were hanged in 1946, while the correct question was never asked:

Who should be executed —— the people who order the killing, or the people who do the killing?

NOTE: The death penalty fell on hard times in this country long before Nuremberg:

Today’s touchy-feely garbage and psycho-babble gained nationwide acceptance because the Bobby Franks murder case got more publicity than did all of Darrow’s previous 100 death penalty cases combined.

Darrow, in a stunning move, changed the plea to guilty. Their case, with a parade of alienists, as psychiatrists were known in those days, would be presented to the judge, who would decide on life or death. In a three-day summation, Darrow quoted poetry, history and science in a plea for mercy so eloquent even the judge got misty-eyed. Darrow said that the boys, although not legally insane, were mentally ill and not responsible for their actions. “They killed him as they might kill a spider or a fly.”

Darrow ended up with two more notches on his saved-from-the-hangman’s belt. The judge gave his clients life plus 99 years.

90th anniversary of Leopold and Loeb's horrific murder
BY Mara Bovsun
Saturday, May 17, 2014, 9:47 PM



1895-1917 - Nine States Abolish Capital Punishment during Second Great Reform Era

"In 1897, U.S. Congress passed a bill reducing the number of federal death crimes. In 1907, Kansas took the 'Maine Law' a step further and abolished all death penalties. Between 1911 and 1917, eight more states abolished capital punishment (Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oregon, Arizona, Missouri and Tennessee - the latter in all cases but rape). Votes in other states came close to ending the death penalty."


Today, 21 states do not have a death penalty:

States With The Death Penalty

Today, there are 29 states with the death penalty – although some currently have a moratorium (a temporary cessation) on executions as of 2019.


Lawyers are paid tax dollars to file appeals. The day is not far away when convicted murderers will die of old age before their lawyers run out of appeals.

The death penalty for murderers committed in the private sector aside, it is this article that prompted a look at murders ordered by the government —— especially mass murders:

Thanks to its increasing anti-police extremism, the Democrat Party has lost three influential voters in Virginia.

The three influential voters — Sheriff Chip Shuler of Smyth County, Sheriff John McClanahan of Buchanan County and Sheriff Brian Hieatt of Tazewell County — were once all Democrats. But not any anymore.

Shuler made his switch two Mondays ago when he formally filed a membership application with the Smyth County Republican Committee and the application was promptly approved, as reported by local station WJHL.

“I am changing to the Republican Party because of the relentless attack on law enforcement by Democrats in Richmond and Washington. My deputies work hard to serve and protect the citizens of Smyth County,” he said in a press release at the time.

“As sheriff, it has been difficult to watch my deputies try to move forward during this unprecedented assault on our profession,” he said in a press release. We remain an honorable profession and should not be judged by the bad acts of a few,” he added.

Third Virginia sheriff leaves the Democrat Party to become a Republican
June 3, 2021
Vivek Saxena


My problem is: Not one of those sheriffs said they switched parties because they did not want to kill private sector Americans who refuse to surrender their guns, or use their guns to protect their freedoms —— the only reason for the Second Amendment. Either or both possibilities is closer than you think if you take the time to look at the thief in the White House, his cabinet, and his bureaucrats.

Basically, individuals cannot standup to hundreds of thousands armed law enforcement agents when they are ordered by the federal government to confiscate all of the guns. It is a different ball game when tens of millions armed private sector Americans finally unite against unconstitutional government-ordered confiscation.

Finally, the Second Amendment is strictly enforced for private sector American gun owners doing the killing when the killing is encouraged by local government officials in major cities.

