I Was Wrong....


Will work for Scooby snacks
While I did predict that Bush's occupation of Iraq might open a pandora's box, incite a nationalist insurgency, and inflame sectarian violence, I was fundamentally wrong - I never thought it would be this bad: Iraqis are currently worse off, than under saddam hussein. Hopefully, someday that will change:

U.N.: Torture in Iraq more widespead than Under Saddam Hussein

GENEVA (Reuters) - Torture is rampant in Iraqi prisons and police detention centers, and may be worse than under Saddam Hussein's rule, a U.N. human rights investigator said on Thursday .


*Disclaimer, for Sean Hannity fans: No, this in not an endorsement of Saddam Hussein, who was a vicious thugh.
I'd say I too was wrong... I predicted that it MAY, but that if we were smart... (duh)... well, crap....
While I did predict that Bush's occupation of Iraq might open a pandora's box, incite a nationalist insurgency, and inflame sectarian violence, I was fundamentally wrong - I never thought it would be this bad: Iraqis are currently worse off, than under saddam hussein. Hopefully, someday that will change:

U.N.: Torture in Iraq more widespead than Under Saddam Hussein

GENEVA (Reuters) - Torture is rampant in Iraqi prisons and police detention centers, and may be worse than under Saddam Hussein's rule, a U.N. human rights investigator said on Thursday .


*Disclaimer, for Sean Hannity fans: No, this in not an endorsement of Saddam Hussein, who was a vicious thugh.

Cypress, you are a big man to admit this. lol.
didn't Dixie predict that the insugency would quickly wither with the death of Zarqawi?

What happened?????

Yes to your first question.

Reality, to your second. We told dixie years ago, that this insurgency and civil war is home-grown...that foreign fighters play a very small role.
Im surprised nobody has pointed out the contradictions in this story. ...

i.e. ....

"Torture is rampant in Iraqi prisons and police detention centers, and may be worse than under Saddam Hussein's rule"
"The situation as far as torture is concerned in Iraq is now completely out of hand," Manfred Nowak, the U.N. special rapporteur on torture and cruelty, told reporters in Geneva.

We find out:

Nowak, who has not visited Iraq, said he had credible reports of torture in facilities run by Iraqi forces

He then goes on to say ..:

He also cited reports of inhumane treatment in U.S.- and foreign-run detention centers, but said conditions there seemed to have improved since an international furor over mistreatment of prisoners by U.S. forces at the Abu Ghraib prison. Abu Ghraib was handed over to Iraqi control three weeks ago.

This raises my suspicions as to what might be the motive behind this report. This discussion we are having about torture smells of putrid rhetoric. Does torture exist durng warfare? Yes, probably so ... and unfortunately it always has ...
But I believe we have entered an hysterical period where we have clouded the fine line between interrogation and torture. If they hold back a meal they are classifying it as torture .. which is totally ridiculous. Look it.. when my country is at war ... whether or not I agree with the motives.. I do not want the press fighting the War .... which is whats happening.

This is such a losing battle .. damn we need to get out of there ....
This raises my suspicions as to what might be the motive behind this report.

No shit! And I bet it doesn't have a damn thing to do with Bush's rising approval numbers and the fast-approaching mid term elections. I'm sure this is just one more stellar piece of award winning journalism, and not propaganda fodder from the leftists.

I love how they word things for pinhead consumption....
We believe that it's likely possible, that perhaps, maybe, it might be as bad as it was under Saddam, if what we are hearing is true. ...Prissy translates this into empirical fact.

Saddam fed people into wood chippers for shits and giggles! When we start unearthing 100's of thousands of dead civilians in mass graves, I will believe that things are worse now than under Saddam. I know Iraqi people who lived under Saddam, and experienced his wrath first-hand, and I promise you, they don't think things are worse now.
Im surprised nobody has pointed out the contradictions in this story. ...

i.e. ....

"Torture is rampant in Iraqi prisons and police detention centers, and may be worse than under Saddam Hussein's rule"
"The situation as far as torture is concerned in Iraq is now completely out of hand," Manfred Nowak, the U.N. special rapporteur on torture and cruelty, told reporters in Geneva.

We find out:

Nowak, who has not visited Iraq, said he had credible reports of torture in facilities run by Iraqi forces

He then goes on to say ..:

He also cited reports of inhumane treatment in U.S.- and foreign-run detention centers, but said conditions there seemed to have improved since an international furor over mistreatment of prisoners by U.S. forces at the Abu Ghraib prison. Abu Ghraib was handed over to Iraqi control three weeks ago.

This raises my suspicions as to what might be the motive behind this report. This discussion we are having about torture smells of putrid rhetoric. Does torture exist durng warfare? Yes, probably so ... and unfortunately it always has ...
But I believe we have entered an hysterical period where we have clouded the fine line between interrogation and torture. If they hold back a meal they are classifying it as torture .. which is totally ridiculous. Look it.. when my country is at war ... whether or not I agree with the motives.. I do not want the press fighting the War .... which is whats happening.

This is such a losing battle .. damn we need to get out of there ....

How do you know this garbage...."If they hold back ONE MEAL (a meal) they are classifying it as torture..."?

this fabricated stuff that you are spinning is blurring the picture of what is ACTUALLY HAPPENING....

how do you know what these groups consider as torture? Are they not following the international Law's definition of torture? how do you know that holding back "a meal" is what these groups are reporting as torture?

Please think about what you are promoting when you say things off the cuff like that K....

it is like you are dismissing the whole issue because torture doesn't occur because the world is calling missing ONE MEAL as torture....and that is CLEARLY not the case.

this is spin that those that support inhumane treatment and torture throw out as a STRAWMAN....

be careful...you are being used imo...

While I did predict that Bush's occupation of Iraq might open a pandora's box, incite a nationalist insurgency, and inflame sectarian violence, I was fundamentally wrong - I never thought it would be this bad: Iraqis are currently worse off, than under saddam hussein. Hopefully, someday that will change:

Well, I'd say the only thing left that would make it official would be if chemical weapons were used on the Iraqis like in the 80s. That seems to be only thing left the bush admin has to cling to in justifying the invasion: at least they aren't being gassed.
why do you always focus on what dixie says? he's a moron that just makes shit up.

If I recall that nonsense about Zarqawi's death being the end or nearly the end of the insurgency was also the administration's line for the first few days after they caught him and apparently beat him to death and then claimed that he died in a bombing attack, in any event. FOXSPEWS and most other news agencies were reporting various individuals within the administration as making the same claims that you are attributing to Dixie. So, credit where credit's due, in this case rather than just making shit up, he was, like a good poopagandist, simply advancing the administration's official position!!!!!
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How do you know this garbage...."If they hold back ONE MEAL (a meal) they are classifying it as torture..."?

this fabricated stuff that you are spinning is blurring the picture of what is ACTUALLY HAPPENING....

how do you know what these groups consider as torture? Are they not following the international Law's definition of torture? how do you know that holding back "a meal" is what these groups are reporting as torture?

Please think about what you are promoting when you say things off the cuff like that K....

it is like you are dismissing the whole issue because torture doesn't occur because the world is calling missing ONE MEAL as torture....and that is CLEARLY not the case.

this is spin that those that support inhumane treatment and torture throw out as a STRAWMAN....

be careful...you are being used imo...


How do you know the "garbage" (tit for tat) that you spin isnt just that Care? How do you know this?

Leaching on to every bit of rhetoric beause it makes your political enemies look bad ... isnt honorable. You dont own the side of rightousness.. you better be careful what you believe.
It seems whatever comes out of the mouths of those you percieve to be on your political side is rightousness .. and any thing else is spin.

hence.. the motive behind this post .... and why dont you question it?

Dont lecture me about spin .... :mad:
Why not lecture YOU about spin? YOU are the one that claims that these groups are proclaiming that missing A MEAL is torture....back it up....

If you can't see what you have done, then I don't know what to say to you....other than you are still controlled by the "rights" mindset....imo.

What have I said that was spin on this post Klaatu? Specifics please.
