APP - I went back and re-watched the debate - Trump won BIGLY

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
It wasn't even close

Trump showed his base and the people that support him that he has fought for them through unprecedented obstruction by the democrat party

Biden showed that he is a liar a fraud.

When you strip away all of the interruptions (which only shallow thinkers focus on), Trump was able to accomplish many things even with Chris Wallace covering or Biden

1) He got Biden to implicitly admit that the democrats will stack the courts and add new states effectively ending the American experiment and ushering in a world of socialism
2) Biden REFUSED to say the words "law and order"
3) Biden actually said ANTIFA doesn't exist. It is an idea. I can already see the ad cued up of ANTIFA marching, looting and burning with Biden saying "ANTIFA is an idea". It will be brutal
4) Trump smacked Biden hard on Hunter hard on his corruption. Even King of CNN had to admit it
5) Trump smacked Biden hard on his Logan Act BS against Michael Flynn. Don't think that won't come up again.

So when it comes down to it. Trump cleaned Biden's clock

The only issue I have with Trump's performance is that there were numerous times where the Adderal was not having full effect and Biden was going to go into dementia mode and Trumps interruptions saved him from the abyss and bought him time. Those were missed opportunities.
It wasn't even close

Trump showed his base and the people that support him that he has fought for them through unprecedented obstruction by the democrat party

Biden showed that he is a liar a fraud.

When you strip away all of the interruptions (which only shallow thinkers focus on), Trump was able to accomplish many things even with Chris Wallace covering or Biden

1) He got Biden to implicitly admit that the democrats will stack the courts and add new states effectively ending the American experiment and ushering in a world of socialism
2) Biden REFUSED to say the words "law and order"
3) Biden actually said ANTIFA doesn't exist. It is an idea. I can already see the ad cued up of ANTIFA marching, looting and burning with Biden saying "ANTIFA is an idea". It will be brutal
4) Trump smacked Biden hard on Hunter hard on his corruption. Even King of CNN had to admit it
5) Trump smacked Biden hard on his Logan Act BS against Michael Flynn. Don't think that won't come up again.

So when it comes down to it. Trump cleaned Biden's clock

The only issue I have with Trump's performance is that there were numerous times where the Adderal was not having full effect and Biden was going to go into dementia mode and Trumps interruptions saved him from the abyss and bought him time. Those were missed opportunities.