I went to New Orleans today.


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I heard about the French Quarter being 'deserted' and wanted to see it for myself. Even during Hurricanes, some places remain Open and have Customers.
Many places ARE boarded up with plywood. Others just Closed. A few are Open with just serving Drinks and Food at the Door.
It's a beautiful Spring Day, but not many people on the street. Probably more Locals than Tourists, but there are some Tourists walking about. About the same number of Homeless, either walking or squatting somewhere.
I did see a 'Covid-19 Testing' queue, but only one car in line.
I saw a Tower Crane down by the River, so some construction work was going on.
The Street Cars and Buses were running, but not many Passengers.
I did notice some brave souls on Bicycles and in the Parks. That was reassuring. But ...
... not enough for me to get out of my Truck, get something to eat, or talk to anybody.

Been there once, ain't going back, Fat Tuesday during my undergraduate days, a heavy preponderance of male SEC students fall down drunk and looking to fight someone. Learned early to stay off the street, spent three days in a bar on Bourbon Street called Jean Lafitte's, surely gone now, even got to be a regular for the weekend. Got prime seats looking out at the crowd, nothing more entertaining than watching the cops clear the crowd using horses
Mardi Gras was LAST month.
This month it's 'Covid-19'.

Spring is a 'tourist time', the kids are still in school and it's not that humid yet.

Been there once, ain't going back, Fat Tuesday during my undergraduate days, a heavy preponderance of male SEC students fall down drunk and looking to fight someone. Learned early to stay off the street, spent three days in a bar on Bourbon Street called Jean Lafitte's, surely gone now, even got to be a regular for the weekend. Got prime seats looking out at the crowd, nothing more entertaining than watching the cops clear the crowd using horses
And that dumb mayor named LaToya ( :laugh: ) is blaming Trump for not cancelling Mardi Gras.

She is not entirely wrong, remember, at that time Trump was telling Americans "it was under control," "contained," and implying it wasn't as serious as the common flu, and Trump is the President, and the President is who Americans are suppose to look for leadership on what to do
I’ve been once. Went for the Ohio State - Florida State Sugar Bowl. Think it was in ‘97 or ‘98. Bourbon Street on New Year’s Eve when you are single and in your 20’s was quite an event.
She is not entirely wrong, remember, at that time Trump was telling Americans "it was under control," "contained," and implying it wasn't as serious as the common flu, and Trump is the President, and the President is who Americans are suppose to look for leadership on what to do

Was this in the 20th century?
She is not entirely wrong, remember, at that time Trump was telling Americans "it was under control," "contained," and implying it wasn't as serious as the common flu, and Trump is the President, and the President is who Americans are suppose to look for leadership on what to do

"Common flu" killed 80,000 Americans in the winter of 2017-18, Arsecheese. Covid 19 has caused less than 3% of that total.
She is not entirely wrong, remember, at that time Trump was telling Americans "it was under control," "contained," and implying it wasn't as serious as the common flu, and Trump is the President, and the President is who Americans are suppose to look for leadership on what to do

Is she not able to make a leadership decision herself? Typical of a black female Democrat that gets elected in a location due to her race and gender.