APP - I will admit this is bad


Former Vice President

Usually most of the hand wringing over Trump comments are pretty petty. And in most cases a reasonable person can discern what he is trying to say even if he says it inartfully

But this was pretty bad. Best to say nothing at all.

And it stems from one of his worst instincts which is to respond to any criticism.

I get the sense that he knows he will never get a fair shake from media and is trying to say “we are really doing a good job here”.

This just made it worse.
I disagree for the most part.

First, I think the comment is hilarious, personally.

Second, I think most americans don't really give a shit about puerto rico, let alone even know it's part of the USA. So I think that would allow more americans to shrug it off.

As far as offensive comments are concerned, I truly believe trump is pretty much untouchable.
I disagree for the most part.

First, I think the comment is hilarious, personally.

Second, I think most americans don't really give a shit about puerto rico, let alone even know it's part of the USA. So I think that would allow more americans to shrug it off.

As far as offensive comments are concerned, I truly believe trump is pretty much untouchable.

I agree about most Americans not caring about PR. The left made a valiant effort trying to turn it into Trumps Katrina but failed. I saw a graphic that showed how much money people donated to relief efforts. Henry was huge. Drop off for irma and like $5 million for Maria.

I don’t get worked up like some, but I thought his comments were a bit crass