I will kiss you and then kill you

Lord Yurt

Lord Yurt will suffice
You fucking scum sucking faggotti losing pond cdawfish Sanders supporters!

See how easy it is to pretend.....

You gullible democrats.
Oh shit, Yurt lost it, clean-up on post #1, bring a bucket....

Yurt rage is now a current event...
And of course Mason is still obsessed with Jaded by bringing her up in every thread.

Prepare for the war Mason and stop obsessing over some anonymous jaded woman on the internet.

Man up Mason.
The war your party is planning....

We are not afraid of you fascist picks. Your kind burns or bans books. We are aware and ready.

We?? Who is we?? Your neighborhood watch??

You are a party of one, Yurt, you should never forget that....

Feelin better now?? Mason was thinking of putting you on suicide watch, we don't need to do that Yurt, do we??
No you're a Marxist which is far worse.

Tell us what you think that Marxism is, maggot.
