APP - I will no longer use the term RINO


Sometimes an OpEd comes along that is "slap yourself in the forehead" good. This one is it. It describes the Mittster exactly along with many JPP NeverTrumpers. They from now on will be referred to as Trans-Right

Here are some of the most poignant pull quotes

Near as I can tell, this is the psychology of the Trans-Right: they have no visceral conservatism. There’s no deep attachment to things the Right seeks to accomplish and, more dangerously, no genuine objection to the progressive agenda beyond its timing. But the man of the Trans-Right is in love with the image of himself as a conservative. He is, after all, a very dignified and important conservative. One might even say he is “severely conservative.” And the very apex of that self-perception, the consummation he has always desired, is the making of a statesmanlike compromise with the progressives.

Now I have said this for many years about the Trans-Right. They talk the talk, but when push comes to shove they are more interested in "compromising" with the left than defeating them. They are more concerned with being "dignified" in defeat.

A Trans-Right activist lives to strut and fret upon our national stage and to be celebrated for his “courage”, a “courage” which consists mostly of seeking media approval.

This is another area that I think applies to JPP Trans-Right. They are more concerned with seeking approval from JPP leftists than fighting for principles. They claim to have them, they just don't like to actually fight for them.

A conservative legislator woos the grassroots voters of the Right ardently, and learns to regard the media with suspicion at the best of times. A Trans-Right legislator woos the media ardently, and the grassroots only grudgingly and inter-MITT-ently. Indeed, the Trans-Right seems to exhibit a certain masochism where the media is concerned.

This last one really nails it. How often have we seen "republicans" proclaim conservative values during a campaign, but the minute they are sworn in run to the left. It is infuriating. The list is long

Jeff Flake
John McCain
Lindsay Graham
Mitt Romney
Susan Collins
Lisa Murkowski
Paul Ryan

At some point in time they all pledged to defund Planned Parenthood and end Obamacare, but always sabotaged the efforts.

There are two things that Donald Trumps amazing ascendency has done

1) It kept Crooked Hillary out of the White House (no telling what she would have stolen this time)
2) It has ripped the mask off of the Trans-Right and shown them for the duplicitous traitors they are

To all the Trans-Right all I can say is you are either with us or against us, because we will never be with you.