I won a small victory today


Villified User
Remember I said I was going to quit unless they reduced the headcount cut in my group ? well they cut the headchopping by 2 heads. Only will lose 2 people now.
This is a somber victory since 2 will be leaving, but at least they are retired and have income from their spouse...

but hey we take what small victories we can get.

The part that sucks is now they want to promote me....I hate management, been there done that and prefer being a hands on guy.
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Remember I said I was going to quit unless they reduced the headcount cut in my group ? well they cut the headchopping by 2 heads. Only will lose 2 people now.
This is a somber victory since 2 will be leaving, but at least they are retired and have income from their spouse...

but hey we take what small victories we can get.

The part that sucks is now they want to promote me....I hate management, been there done that and prefer being a hands on guy.
Yes, but it will give you more authority to use in protecting your people.
Yes, but it will give you more authority to use in protecting your people.

Not really it comes down to dropping budgets and headcount reductions to satisfy stockholders...
Those decisions are made pretty high up and they are the just get it done types.

Quality is not job one in america anymore. Getting by with less is where it is at now.
Not really it comes down to dropping budgets and headcount reductions to satisfy stockholders...
Those decisions are made pretty high up and they are the just get it done types.

Quality is not job one in america anymore. Getting by with less is where it is at now.

I hear you.

And thanks for saving the jobs of two people, at least for a while.
Thanks all. I do what I can for my small corner of the world.

worst part is I have to keep working, it was part of the deal....
So you may believe. It's bribery to convince him to sell out others. It's a double edged sword. ANd he'll have to look at project budget spreadsheets and all that.

I already do that AHZ and rate employees for layoffs, etc. I just do not get to set budgets for projects. That is for bean counters like spinner to do who don't have a clue what it takes to complete the project.
I already do that AHZ and rate employees for layoffs, etc. I just do not get to set budgets for projects. That is for bean counters like spinner to do who don't have a clue what it takes to complete the project.

oh yes. People who major in management and have no clue how to do any actual concrete skill... Perfect braindead nihilist fascist authority-supplicant drones... shall I continue?
Not really it comes down to dropping budgets and headcount reductions to satisfy stockholders...
Those decisions are made pretty high up and they are the just get it done types.

Quality is not job one in america anymore. Getting by with less is where it is at now.

Oh, how true that is! I'm still waiting to see those higher-ups offering to take a pay cut, if they are so concerned with company profits. Ha, what hypocrecy! :bs:
Oh, how true that is! I'm still waiting to see those higher-ups offering to take a pay cut, if they are so concerned with company profits. Ha, what hypocrecy! :bs:

YEs. Let's get some h1b visa programs to outsource those who sit around and do nothing but yell and whip others. Fuckers.
YAAY!!!!!! :cheer:

Battle is still ongoing and the latest is that at least for the next 6 months I might not have to cut anyone off at the neck :clink: