I wonde if OneLoony is a vegan?

Man you're creepy, and obnoxious with these discussions. :tombushes: I'm guessing you got destroyed in discussion, with them.
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Using the name you did they will probably never know what you're talking about. Took me awhile to figure, who you were talking about. Dragging something like this out, for cheap shots, is just some lame bottom feeders ploy, for triggered individuals.
Using the name you did they will probably never know what you're talking about. Took me awhile to figure, who you were talking about. Dragging something like this out, for cheap shots, is just some lame bottom feeders ploy, for triggered individuals.

Shut the fuck up fatso, how about addressing the subject of the OP? Do you think that skinning dogs and boiling them alive is acceptable in the modern world? Oneloony is very fond of telling native Brits like me that Brexit is a disaster, so why shouldn't I ask her about her native country's horrific treatment of animals? If you don't like that then fuck off and go running to your bestie Bowel Woman.
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have another drink pasty face

Oh dear touched a raw nerve there, I wonder how many LBSMs, as Grumpy so charmingly described Vietnamese women, did you fuck over in 'Nam? By the way, my Vietnamese daughter-in-law is in San Francisco at the moment, she was in New York last week and will move on to Seattle and Boston. So ask me again, racist cunt, what I have to do with America!!
Oh dear touched a raw nerve there, I wonder how many LBSMs, as Grumpy so charmingly described Vietnamese women, did you fuck over in 'Nam? By the way, my Vietnamese daughter-in-law is in San Francisco at the moment, she was in New York last week and will move on to Seattle and Boston. So ask me again, racist cunt, what I have to do with America!!

Here she is at the Golden Gate Bridge.

Eating dogs is a big industry in South Korea, and very bloody cruel.

