I wonder if pulling out of Syria is a deal made with Putin in payment.


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Give Putin free reign to do whatever. There is no way in hell that the rights president is doing this for anything other then he was told to. There is no way that anyone can tell me he is doing it for anyone but himself. It sure isn't for the troops or the cost. He's just doing what Putin is telling him to do. This will be ending soon and that's a good thing and this is the last straw for this hate group, they are toast also.
I think it is a move by Turkey to encourage Donald Trump to do this.

Why is this being announced the day after Michael Flynn's day in court, and the indictments going out to two of Michael Flynn's associates- all double agents for Turkey?

Turkey just threatened to wipe out our Kurd allies just this month also!
I think it is a move by Turkey to encourage Donald Trump to do this.

Why is this being announced the day after Michael Flynn's day in court, and the indictments going out to two of Michael Flynn's associates- all double agents for Turkey?

Turkey just threatened to wipe out our Kurd allies just this month also!

General Mattis OPPOSED Trump on the pull out from Syria.:palm:
Give Putin free reign to do whatever. There is no way in hell that the rights president is doing this for anything other then he was told to. There is no way that anyone can tell me he is doing it for anyone but himself. It sure isn't for the troops or the cost. He's just doing what Putin is telling him to do. This will be ending soon and that's a good thing and this is the last straw for this hate group, they are toast also.
Our presence/lack of presence doesn't effect Russia in Syria either way. we have a very small force.

Their airbase and upgrades to Tartus exist as well as the support for Assad either way.

In fact we are acting in the same manner against ISIS that Russia and Assad does.
It's just that we are not needed anymore, and we should not just leave them there exposed
General Mattis OPPOSED Trump on the pull out from Syria.:palm:

Of Course he did, as well as other High Ranking Military officials.

We shouldn't just abandon the Syrian Christian Rebels or the Kurds!

Why isn't Mitch McConnell headed over to the White House to tell Trump to back off the pullout?

Mitch is no leader! That's why!
Our presence/lack of presence doesn't effect Russia in Syria either way. we have a very small force.

Their airbase and upgrades to Tartus exist as well as the support for Assad either way.

In fact we are acting in the same manner against ISIS that Russia and Assad does.
It's just that we are not needed anymore, and we should not just leave them there exposed

When the US leaves, our allies (the Kurds of the Northern Federation) will be crushed by Assad, the Russians, and Turkey.
The 'Shia Crescent' will be realized by Iran.

"The term was coined in 2004 by King Abdullah II of Jordan at a time when Iran was reportedly interfering in Iraq in the run-up to the January 2005 parliamentary elections.[2] This was in the context of a threatened, later realised, boycott of the elections by Sunnis in Iraq potentially leading to a Shia-dominated government and the assumption that a Shia Iraq might fall under the influence of Shia Iran. The suggestion was that the common religion gives good potential for cooperation between Iran, Iraq, Alawite-dominated Syria and the politically powerful Shia militia Hezbollah in Lebanon; as well, the suggestion was that these others would be proxies for Iran in a regional power play.[3]"
Give Putin free reign to do whatever. There is no way in hell that the rights president is doing this for anything other then he was told to. There is no way that anyone can tell me he is doing it for anyone but himself. It sure isn't for the troops or the cost. He's just doing what Putin is telling him to do. This will be ending soon and that's a good thing and this is the last straw for this hate group, they are toast also.

"In overruling his generals and civilian advisers, Mr. Trump fulfilled his frequently expressed desire to bring home American forces from a messy foreign entanglement. But his decision, conveyed via Twitter on Wednesday, plunges the administration’s Middle East strategy into disarray, rattling allies like Britain and Israel and forsaking Syria’s ethnic Kurds, who have been faithful partners in fighting the Islamic State."
"Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and other top national security officials argued that a withdrawal would, essentially, surrender Western influence in Syria to Russia and Iran. The Trump administration’s national security policy calls for challenging both countries, which are the chief benefactors of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and have provided him with years of financial and military support."

Both Russia and Turkey think it is a great idea for Trump to remove US Forces.
Most likely...this is just Donald Trump doing what Donald Trump thinks presidents do...make impulse decisions without consulting people who actually know what they are doing.

He is a blight on our country.
Of Course he did, as well as other High Ranking Military officials.

We shouldn't just abandon the Syrian Christian Rebels or the Kurds!

Why isn't Mitch McConnell headed over to the White House to tell Trump to back off the pullout?

Mitch is no leader! That's why!

This is a publicity stunt to distract Americans from Trump's chaotic mess and lies on every other front.
NPCs in action

These two guys both think Trump's order to pull out is a great one.




Maybe Trump is just doing what he campaigned that he'd do. He said the middle east meddling and getting our kids killed there is bleeping stupid and we should get the hell out of there. He'd also like to leave the money pit in Afghanistan. Sadly he's allowed the war hawks to convince him to stay there.
Trump has made the same mistake Bush made.. He has disregarded US policy on Iran.

Yeah, ... Bush spending all that money and shedding all that American blood just to hand Iraq over to the Iranians, on reflection, may not have been the best move.
But, according to Cheney, at least we freed up the Iraqi Oil to international Markets.
Yeah, ... Bush spending all that money and shedding all that American blood just to hand Iraq over to the Iranians, on reflection, may not have been the best move.
But, according to Cheney, at least we freed up the Iraqi Oil to international Markets.

While doing trumpf's desperate best to shut off the Iranian oil, for reasons known only to his inferiority complex!
Yeah, ... Bush spending all that money and shedding all that American blood just to hand Iraq over to the Iranians, on reflection, may not have been the best move.
But, according to Cheney, at least we freed up the Iraqi Oil to international Markets.

I get your sarcasm, jack.. Iraq's oil sector was depressed for a decade and the acts of sabotage were countless, so Cheney was FOS.