I wonder why Apple will not release sales figures on the iPhone ?

Who knows... It is very cool and if I didn't already have a Q that can do most of what the iPhone does I might go and get one.
AT&T have good wireless coverage for the IPhone in your area ?

As I unserstand it ATT has the exclusive contract for providing iPhone service till 2012 ?

Do you know if the iPhone will work on all the Cingular/ATT wireless network ?
Or is an equipment/software change needed ?
AT&T have good wireless coverage for the IPhone in your area ?

As I unserstand it ATT has the exclusive contract for providing iPhone service till 2012 ?

Do you know if the iPhone will work on all the Cingular/ATT wireless network ?
Or is an equipment/software change needed ?
I dunno. Cell phone coverage out here is off and on... However the Cingular/AT&T network has more coverage than either the Cingular or the AT&T network had before.
Me neither, and I have not researched it since I have no desire for an iPhone.
Cingulat/ATT os the only one that does work at my home though.