I wouldn't be ashamed to be a dem in Hawaii


Classical Liberal
It's a different mindset here.
They're not batshit crazy. They're rational.
Even the Native Hawaiians are smart enuf to take advantage of the whites that took their land yet the whites are fine with being used. It's a win win for both.
Of course hawaii practically considers itself a different country and in many ways it is.
It's a different mindset here.
They're not batshit crazy. They're rational.
Even the Native Hawaiians are smart enuf to take advantage of the whites that took their land yet the whites are fine with being used. It's a win win for both.
Of course hawaii practically considers itself a different country and in many ways it is.

You've read to much bs from Conservatives about liberal democrats
You've read to much bs from Conservatives about liberal democrats
No, I see first hand how a west coast Harvard grad Berkeley law dim mayor is attempting to destroy Anchorage. And no doubt he and a complicit city council with a couple of illiterate Maxine waters wannabes will succeed in turning Anchorage into anotHer Portland , Seattle or San Francisco.
I live in . Hawaii part time. Is almost all democratic controlled. They don't want to become the shithole cities of the West coast.
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No, I see first hand how a west coast Harvard grad Berkeley law dim mayor is attempting to destroy Anchorage. And no doubt he and a complicit city council with a couple of illiterate Maxine waters wannabes will succeed in turning Anchorage into anotHer Portand , Seattle or San Francisco.
I live in . Hawaii part time. Is almost all democratic controlled. They don't want to become the shithole cities of the West coast.

There's more to America than left coast
It's a different mindset here.
They're not batshit crazy. They're rational.
Even the Native Hawaiians are smart enuf to take advantage of the whites that took their land yet the whites are fine with being used. It's a win win for both.
Of course hawaii practically considers itself a different country and in many ways it is.
Been there and won’t be back. More assholes per square mile than anywhere on the planet except Manhattan.

I’ll even give Manhattan a pass. It’s part of the fun of visiting Manhattan is dressing up and being an asshole. I ain’t spending that kind of money to put up with an entire Island of disaffected assholes or worse, the pretentious ones.

Fuck that I’d rather go to Guam.
You've read to much bs from Conservatives about liberal democrats
Dont take Moose to seriously. He’s originally from the State with by far the most batshit crazy politicians in the Country. Even crazier then Texans (I know...most people say that’s impossible)...Louisiana. For every batshit crazy liberal in this country there are at least 200 or more batshit kkkrazy kkkonservatives in Louisiana.

Don’t believe me? You know Rev Jimmy? The crazy guy in front of the football stadium with the huge assed sign that says “Repent!” That harangues the crowd with a megaphone? Put a suit on him and that’s your average Louisiana conservative legislator.

Now don’t get me wrong. Louisiana Conservative Politicians May be as loony as J Bird but their a lot of fun. Highly entertaining they are and straight as a dogs leg.
Thankfully. Otherwise hrc would be president and gems like Boise , ID or Bozeman, MT. would go to shit.
Bozeman already is a shithole. What could Hillary do to make that fetid shithole of a mining town any worse? Die there?

Come on Moose is the Alaskan winters freezing your brains out? HC would have made a wonderful President. Bill would have been a great First Lad too! Just think of how if she were elected Southern Women would only have to wear a pant suit to prevent rape. LOL
Well, I guess it must be conservatives, populists, or libertarians who are running those cities, and not leftist Democrats.

Leftist Democrats are in power virtually nowhere. Hopefully populists at least are running the cities. They are far more reasonable than rightists or libertarians. Or even liberals in many instances.
Leftist Democrats are in power virtually nowhere.

You should come out here to Seattle. Safe injection sites, you never have to clean-up after yourself, and you'd love our city council (plus, the city is struggling to hire enough cops, so, less chance of you ever getting harrassed).
Been there and won’t be back. More assholes per square mile than anywhere on the planet except Manhattan.
lol, sounds like Oahu.
I’ll even give Manhattan a pass. It’s part of the fun of visiting Manhattan is dressing up and being an asshole. I ain’t spending that kind of money to put up with an entire Island of disaffected assholes or worse, the pretentious ones.

Fuck that I’d rather go to Guam.
I should've clarified , the island of Hawaii. Never had a bad experience with assholes there. Just not enough people. Same with Kauai. I avoid Oahu and only been to Maui and Lanai once. Each island has it's own personality.
Been there and won’t be back. More assholes per square mile than anywhere on the planet except Manhattan.

I’ll even give Manhattan a pass. It’s part of the fun of visiting Manhattan is dressing up and being an asshole. I ain’t spending that kind of money to put up with an entire Island of disaffected assholes or worse, the pretentious ones.

Fuck that I’d rather go to Guam.

You don't seem to like islands much. I'm now tempted to move to a San Juan island, and then just go berzerk at flaming you. :cof1:
Bozeman already is a shithole. What could Hillary do to make that fetid shithole of a mining town any worse? Die there?
Either we're talking about a different place or to each their own. Montana State U would've been a great place to go to college, I've kayaked the Galatin River several times. As good as any I paddled in Idaho, Big Sky and Bridger Bowl are close by. I-90 going thru Bozeman reminds me of A12 winding thru Austria.
Come on Moose is the Alaskan winters freezing your brains out? HC would have made a wonderful President. Bill would have been a great First Lad too! Just think of how if she were elected Southern Women would only have to wear a pant suit to prevent rape. LOL
I no longer get into discussions about hrc and how great, wonderful, smartest woman in the world, blah, blah she is, was, would've been. Dead horse.
Either we're talking about a different place or to each their own. Montana State U would've been a great place to go to college, I've kayaked the Galatin River several times. As good as any I paddled in Idaho, Big Sky and Bridger Bowl are close by. I-90 going thru Bozeman reminds me of A12 winding thru Austria.

I no longer get into discussions about hrc and how great, wonderful, smartest woman in the world, blah, blah she is, was, would've been. Dead horse.

I actually met HC back in 90 or 91. If you had told me back then about the knee jerk revulsion she elicits from conservative white guys I would have laughed and not just a little. I still don’t completely get that as the good ole boys down there in Arkansas thought very highly of her at that time. Hell she fit in better with them than Bill did. I knew a couple of State Troopers when I lived in Arkansas who worked the Governors retail and they got the biggest kick out of her. It appears Bill had a taste for bedding hot black chicks as Governor and how Hillary broke him of the habit by nearly breaking his jaw with an ash tray.
It's a different mindset here.
They're not batshit crazy. They're rational.
Even the Native Hawaiians are smart enuf to take advantage of the whites that took their land yet the whites are fine with being used. It's a win win for both.
Of course hawaii practically considers itself a different country and in many ways it is.

like Texas