ib1's Declining Funny Money


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Plummeting Dollar, Credit Crunch...
Final Stop: Soup Kitchen U.S.A.

The days of the dollar as the world’s “reserve currency” may be drawing to a close. In August, foreign central banks and governments dumped a whopping 3.8 per cent of their holdings of US debt. Rising unemployment and the ongoing housing slump have triggered fears of a recession sending wary foreign investors running for the exits. China, Japan and Taiwan have been leading the sell off which has caused the steepest decline since 1992.

To some extent, the losses have been concealed by the up-tick in Treasuries sales to US investors who’ve been fleeing the money markets in droves. Investors have been trying to avoid the fallout from money funds that have been contaminated by mortgage-backed assets. Naturally, they bought US government bonds which are considered a safe bet. But that doesn’t change the fact that the dollar’s foundation is steadily eroding and that foreign support for the dollar is vanishing. US bonds are no longer regarded as a “safe haven”.
is there physically enough gold in the world to back the money that would be needed in the world ?

would we have the reverse of inflation with gold backed currency ?
is there physically enough gold in the world to back the money that would be needed in the world ?

would we have the reverse of inflation with gold backed currency ?

The value of gold would rise as we bought, the dollar would decline and the increased demand would lead to more mining.

Once the market has stabilized, yes, there would likely be a general trend towards deflation (it would be slow) due to productivity gains.
Agreed once the market has stabilized.
I think it would be quite painful in getting there. Especially since the US has under 1 trillion in gold or so from what I have heard.
There are som islamic nations considering it. They don't have large economies so they will not need much gold. And their is no faith in their fiat currencies because of a history of mismanagment.