
Is Ibogaine an Effective Treatment for Substance Use Disorder?​

Several countries recognize ibogaine as a pharmaceutical substance that licensed medical professionals can administer for a variety of health conditions, including substance use dependency and disorder.
Ibogaine is a compound found in iboga, a Western African shrub. Historically it has been used in healing ceremonies and initiation rituals in the Bwiti religion in West Africa.

In small dosesTrusted Source, ibogaine functions as a mild stimulant. Larger doses can lead toTrusted Source hallucinations and a deep psychedelic experience.
Some research suggestsTrusted Source that this altered state may help alleviate symptoms of withdrawal and curb cravings.
Although ibogaine gained popularity in the U.S. and Europe in the 1980s as a non-addictive treatment for drug dependency, it’s still classified as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act.
That means the federal government considers ibogaine to have a high potential for misuse, the potential to create severe psychological or physical dependence, and no accepted medical use.
However, ibogaine shows promise, and researchers are actively investigating its therapeutic applications, leading to an increasing number of studies.
