Ice returned to the Northwest Passage this summer, forcing cruise lines...


Classical Liberal
... to change course
Some cruise ship passengers who paid tens of thousands of dollars to ply the fabled Northwest Passage this summer got stymied by an old foe: jumbled rafts of ice.


This is very upsetting to Apocalyptic Anthropocentric global warming Alarmists.
Either Trump's policy of letting Mother Nature do her work or the fact that America seems to be the only country that is reducing it's carbon emissions, is panning out better than the Paris Agreement countries' stifling regulations they can't come close to complying with.
LOL Priceless!!!

... to change course

This is very upsetting to Apocalyptic Anthropocentric global warming Alarmists.
Either Trump's policy of letting Mother Nature do her work or the fact that America seems to be the only country that is reducing it's carbon emissions, is panning out better than the Paris Agreement countries' stifling regulations they can't come close to complying with.

Indeed so, the Arctic refuses to obey the climate alarmists dire predictions.
... to change course

This is very upsetting to Apocalyptic Anthropocentric global warming Alarmists.
Either Trump's policy of letting Mother Nature do her work or the fact that America seems to be the only country that is reducing it's carbon emissions, is panning out better than the Paris Agreement countries' stifling regulations they can't come close to complying with.

So if the trend of recent years continues next year does that mean the climate change Scientists are correct?

"The loss of the cruise traffic is "disappointing, certainly" but doesn't seem to portend a colder trend in the Arctic, Beneville (corporate spokeswoman for crusie company) said. "Some years are going to be easier than other years."

I'll go with the Science, NASA, the Defense Department, vast majority of Science organizations, and all those others who pretty much support that climate change is real

And the "Trump's policy of letting Mother Nature do her work" is pretty funny
The ice is not reforming. If it were, there would not be all those deep floes tying up the passage.
New ice sheets would be thin and relatively easy to break .
It is late September and the old ice is still calving and breaking up.

He described the ice blocking the western entrance of the Northwest Passage in the area of Amundsen Gulf as rotten and not a continuous sheet — floes that vessels must push aside rather than break.

The loss of the cruise traffic is "disappointing, certainly" but doesn't seem to portend a colder trend in the Arctic, Beneville said. "Some years are going to be easier than other years."

Poor Tom
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So if the trend of recent years continues next year does that mean the climate change Scientists are correct?
Yes, I think most everybody agrees the climate always changes. although I've never actually heard of a 'climate change scientist'. Even 'climate scientist' is a misnomer since climatology is an intergration of several recognized sciences.
"The loss of the cruise traffic is "disappointing, certainly" but doesn't seem to portend a colder trend in the Arctic, Beneville (corporate spokeswoman for crusie company) said. "Some years are going to be easier than other years."
Some winters will be warmer than others, come colder, as always. Some summers will be warmer, some cooler than others, as always.
I'll go with the Science, NASA, the Defense Department, vast majority of Science organizations, and all those others who pretty much support that climate change is real
They seem to agree with my anecdotal observation that climate change is real and has always changed.
And the "Trump's policy of letting Mother Nature do her work" is pretty funny
What's even funnier is believing self imposed regulations nobody has a chance to comply with is going to change the weather.

By the way, could you please link to a peer reviewed paper that concludes climate warming is irrefutably due to anthropocentric activities? I've never seen one.