Iceland withdraws from the Coalition of the Willing


Will work for Scooby snacks
The mighty coalition of (allegedly) 36 nations in Iraq, that Bush cited last night, just lost a member country.

Iceland is pulling its one troop from Iraq.

Foreign Minister Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir has decided to remove an Icelandic Crisis Response Unit (ICRU) member from a NATO training program for the Iraqi army in Baghdad next month, causing disappointment among NATO leaders.

The ICRU member has been working in Baghdad for the last two years, primarily as a media representative, and will cease working there October 1, Morgunbladid reports.

:crybaby: :igive:
Planet earth knows the truth about Iraq and 9/11.

American soldiers are left stuck in Hell to do the dying all by themselves.

There is no global "war on terrorism"
Japan likes oil too and has none....

by accepting other ocuntries money to fight in Iraq does that make us a mercenary country ?
Nah, most of them donate "humanitarian" aid. Not cash for war. Especially Japan.

Ohh so they are not really in the war then ?

No moreso than say the Red Cross ?

Ohh btw I was reading online that perhaps 1 million Iraqi have died so far....
Ohh so they are not really in the war then ?

No moreso than say the Red Cross ?

Ohh btw I was reading online that perhaps 1 million Iraqi have died so far....
And perhaps less have as well. How many died during that inane sanctions that we had on them? I heard that it was perhaps millions.

How many nations have combat troops left?

"When the going gets tough-the tough gets going" or something like that! (Stolen from Animal House)...Does it really matter?...all will gain regardless...just do a little dance thru the history of the US and it's involvement during war crisis!

We are slow on the trigger from time to time..but when the enemy pisses us them run for cover!...end of story!
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Planet earth knows the truth about Iraq and 9/11.

American soldiers are left stuck in Hell to do the dying all by themselves.

There is no global "war on terrorism"
Ironically, the holdouts on the neo-con side are sort of correct on one thing. They twist it upside down and bass ackwards, of course, but that's nothing new. The real point is, as you say, the global "War on Terror".

There is no such thing and never has been. It is an oxymoron*, in fact. They're desperate to keep us all from figuring that out, however.

*Note to Rush Limbaugh: that's "moron", not "codone". Calm yourself you ludicrously pathetic junkie.