I'd rather be infected with all modern covid variants than have a tyrannical governme

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
I'd rather be infected with all modern covid variants than have a tyrannical government advocating mass murder with fake vaccines.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
The tenets of Libertarianism, which I cannot differentiate in any way from anarchy, are not fathomable to me.
Why do people loathe being governed so much?

Are they unaware of the consequences?
It is the burden of the competent to protect the incompetent, and this is impossible under anarchy.
Anarchy can only result in pure dystopia.

People who don't get vaxxed and won't wear masks seriously inconvenience the sane majority among us.
No libertarian anarchist hates being governed more than I hate being inconvenienced.
I fortunately live in a place where such anarchistic behavior is poorly tolerated by the majority.