Idaho Newspaper Digs up Dirt on Larry Craig


Will work for Scooby snacks
I love a good story, about unabashed rightwing moral hypocrisy:

In an interview on May 14, Craig told the Idaho Statesman he'd never engaged in sex with a man or solicited sex with a man. The Craig interview was the culmination of a Statesman investigation that began after a blogger accused Craig of homosexual sex in October. Over five months, the Statesman examined rumors about Craig dating to his college days and his 1982 pre-emptive denial that he had sex with underage congressional pages.

The most serious finding by the Statesman was the report by a professional man with close ties to Republican officials. The 40-year-old man reported having oral sex with Craig at Washington's Union Station, probably in 2004. The Statesman also spoke with a man who said Craig made a sexual advance toward him at the University of Idaho in 1967 and a man who said Craig "cruised" him for sex in 1994 at the REI store in Boise. The Statesman also explored dozens of allegations that proved untrue, unclear or unverifiable....

In the hourlong May 14 interview, Craig was accompanied by his wife, Suzanne. He specifically and generally denied ever engaging in any homosexual conduct.

During that interview, the Statesman played Craig an audiotape of the man claiming that he and Craig had sex in the Union Station restroom. Like the Minnesota airport restroom, the Union Station restroom is known as a place where men can find anonymous sex.

Craig denied the man's account and said, "I am not gay and I have never been in a restroom in Union Station having sex with anybody.

"There's a very clear bottom line here," Craig said. "I don't do that kind of thing. I am not gay, and I never have been."

Craig's accuser spoke to the Statesman on the condition he not be named. The man said he was sure it was Craig he had oral sex with but said he had no evidence other than his word.

Craig also denied the claims of the two other men that he made sexual advances to them.

One man, who was considering pledging with Craig's fraternity at the U of I in 1967, said Craig took him to his room and made what the man said he took to be an invitation to sex. Responding to that allegation in May, Craig said, "I don't hit on any men."

Another man said that in November 1994 Craig "cruised" him at the REI store in Boise. The man, who is gay, told the Statesman that Craig stared at him in a sexually inviting way and followed him around REI for a half-hour. Said Craig: "Once again, I'm not gay, and I don't cruise, and I don't hit on men. I have no idea how he drew that conclusion. A smile? Here is one thing I do out in public: I make eye contact, I smile at people, they recognize me, they say, ‘Oh, hi, Senator.' Or, ‘Do I know you?'

"I've been in this business 27 years in the public eye here. I don't go around anywhere hitting on men, and by God, if I did, I wouldn't do it in Boise, Idaho! Jiminy!"....
I feel sorry for him. I don't understand why these people feel this need to live their entire life as a lie. And they make lies out of the lives of those they marry as well. It's sad.

really gives a shit anyhoo..this has been played out way too long..Barney Franks died along time ago with the Conservatives..yet y'all keep on a keepin' this when I should bring up the stain on the blue dress?..Naw that story died also along time ago!:rolleyes:
really gives a shit anyhoo..this has been played out way too long..Barney Franks died along time ago with the Conservatives..yet y'all keep on a keepin' this when I should bring up the stain on the blue dress?..Naw that story died also along time ago!:rolleyes:

Um, this hit the news yesterday dummy.
Our society, family, etc push us in one direction Darla even if we are not set up to go in that direction. Conformity.
The biggest mistakes in my life have been ones I got talked into.

Also the drive to dominate and male gay stuff seem to go hand in hand in some cases.

Just my totally unprofessional opinion thought take it for what it is worth.
really gives a shit anyhoo..this has been played out way too long..Barney Franks died along time ago with the Conservatives..yet y'all keep on a keepin' this when I should bring up the stain on the blue dress?..Naw that story died also along time ago!:rolleyes:

Your party made "morality" a test for public office, and a huge issue.

Not us.
I feel sorry for him. I don't understand why these people feel this need to live their entire life as a lie. And they make lies out of the lives of those they marry as well. It's sad.

He's a hateful little man. Do you really feel sorry for him? You're a better person than I ;)

I guess I feel sorry for his wife, or something. I can't bring myself to feel sorry for a dude who runs an anti-gay agenda, and then cruises restrooms looking for gay sex.
He's a hateful little man. Do you really feel sorry for him? You're a better person than I ;)

I guess I feel sorry for his wife, or something. I can't bring myself to feel sorry for a dude who runs an anti-gay agenda, and then cruises restrooms looking for gay sex.

He's an old guy though. It's just pathetic to be that age and hanging around airport bathrooms hoping for bj's. I know, what he did to other gays is wrong though. But what a price he already paid. His whole life has been a lie, and it's too late to get it back or reverse course now.
Only because...........

Your party made "morality" a test for public office, and a huge issue.

Not us.

as witnessed in this forum over and over you and the far left...bringing up the issue! Most conservatives I hang with could care less about what consenting adults do in private(Not public)...y'all continually bring up gay issues,abortion issues only when they serve your own ilks interests..Kettle/Black syndrome eh?
as witnessed in this forum over and over you and the far left...bringing up the issue! Most conservatives I hang with could care less about what consenting adults do in private(Not public)...y'all continually bring up gay issues,abortion issues only when they serve your own ilks interests..Kettle/Black syndrome eh?

:lolup: :lolup:

Uh-huh...."conservatives" didn't care about Clinton's indiscreations with Gennifer flowers, and the other clinton gals.
He's an old guy though. It's just pathetic to be that age and hanging around airport bathrooms hoping for bj's. I know, what he did to other gays is wrong though. But what a price he already paid. His whole life has been a lie, and it's too late to get it back or reverse course now.

Yeah, I can see what you're saying. His life must suck. It was a whole lie.

I still can't muster up to much pity though
Yeah, I can see what you're saying. His life must suck. It was a whole lie.

I still can't muster up to much pity though

The Republican party is quickly catching up with the Catholic many liars and people living a lie!
as witnessed in this forum over and over you and the far left...bringing up the issue! Most conservatives I hang with could care less about what consenting adults do in private(Not public)...y'all continually bring up gay issues,abortion issues only when they serve your own ilks interests..Kettle/Black syndrome eh?
While I agree that these thing are provate, and should remain private. the Overt hypocracy of people who profess a certain life style, and vemonously fight against anything sorded, while persuing those same actions in secret, turn me off completely. It does appear that this affliction in mainly centered in the conservative base.