Idiot pays 200 dollars for snow from Colorado

what a moron

Conn. Man Spends $200 For Three Snowballs
MILFORD, Conn. -- With all of the recent snowfall in Colorado, one family decided to begin selling it to raise money for a new snow blower and found a buyer in a Milford family.

When Chris Hansen, of Milford, saw Colorado snow for sale on eBay, he said he laughed and decided that he wanted to be in on the joke.

"I saw something on the Internet that said, 'Snow for sale from Colorado,' and I thought, well 'Lucky them, they have it to sell, we have nothing,'" Hansen said.

The pitch on eBay was a family selling snowballs to raise money for a snow blower. Bids came in from across the country.

as you know im boycotting anything from Colorado, I wouldn't buy a toothpick from there, except when i bought printed T-shirts for a class project, but that was a necessity. In any event i paid less for 28 shirts than this guy did for 3 snowballs, that will be water by the time they get here.

200 bucks.... WTF

whats wrong w/ people that they have that much money to just let it go to some idiot pithater or pitkiller in Co?

not to mention that id pay 200 to watch a pithater have to shovel 10' of snow off his driveway :)

not gettin any help from this po' dem
To me it would be about the same as going out and spending $200 on a nights drinking. I don't tend to do that though ;)
Damo your not going to fool me this time.... im onto you...

if i were the guy in CO id fill up a few glasses of water and send em.. how does this guy know he's really getting snow, and why would you pay 200 bucks for snow that will be melted by the time it gets to you anywyas.
Nah, they can mail it in a freezer box. The turducken and meat that I got in the mail was still frozen...

It is more likely somebody was overpaying to help those people get their snow thrower...
It is more likely somebody was overpaying to help those people get their snow thrower...

why?? i wouldn't help anyone from your state, except maybe you, but everyone else can suck it... they are pit killers and id be lying if i were to tell you that i wasn't secretly happy your having a shitty winter.
Naturally. Idiots pay for bottled tap water all the time. It isn't labelled tap water but that's effectively what it is.

LOL, yeah, I got a reverse osmosis filter for drinking water, but the wife (now ex) still kept buying bottled water :)

I have to put one in my new/old house. Just made the official offer and lined up the financing, should close in a few weeks. An older little house, but solid. A nice barn, couple of sheds , 25x50 garage/workshop, and 20 some acres.
120k, from a friend, it is well below market price. He did not want developers getting it. I am getting a 10 yr loan. I would like to have it paid for by the time I leave this planet and hitch a ride on a comet ;)

imho bottled water sales dropping will indicate hard times :)