If Biden sodomizes a young boy, will you still support him?

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If we can ask if Trump refuses to leave office, how about asking if Biden sodomizes a young by. Will anyone care of Biden butt-rapes young boy? No lefty cared that Biden finger raped a woman.

Biden use to use the n-word and hangout with Klansmen. BLM don't care.


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If we can ask if Trump refuses to leave office, how about asking if Biden sodomizes a young by. Will anyone care of Biden butt-rapes young boy? No lefty cared that Biden finger raped a woman.

Biden use to use the n-word and hangout with Klansmen. BLM don't care.

Does anyone in your family ever talk about how your mother and father are actually sister and brother?

How old was your sister when her brother/your father raped and impregnated her?
People with at least two functioning brain cells to work together, whether they're saints or troglodytes in their values, don't vote for people, and they don't vote their perception of a candidate'' character.

Shit, we don't really know these people other than perhaps our local city council and school committee members.

People vote ideology and policy positions if they're intelligent enough that they ought to be voting.

The person is irrelevant. If he/she had any value as a person, he/she would be a great surgeon or perhaps a triple crown winning outfielder.
The candidate is just another fucking politician, and what we want is for that person to legislate or preside the way we want him/her to legislate or preside.

Holy shit, again with this? Robert Boyd left the KKK, denounced them, and was only THEN embraced by Democrats like Biden and Hillary. How many times does this need to be debunked?

Meanwhile, the KKK endorses Trump. The actual KKK, not one guy who used to be in the Klan but then left and denounced them.
Trump also raped little girls with Epstein, just in case you want to pretend to care.
If we can ask if Trump refuses to leave office, how about asking if Biden sodomizes a young by. Will anyone care of Biden butt-rapes young boy? No lefty cared that Biden finger raped a woman.

Biden use to use the n-word and hangout with Klansmen. BLM don't care.

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