If enough people stalk you does that make it okay?

Part Multi 313

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Check this out. For many years now some rich and famous people have stalked and sabotaged my family for basically my whole life. Through all these years never once has it become clear what the reason for all the meddling was. Not the slightest reason has ever been given and to this day I deal with these hardships without knowing what caused them or how to end them. There has never been any famous people in our lives so my big question is why has my family been this target and what motivates them?

Through the years many lives in my family were ruined and some of them lost due to interference from these wealthy and famous people.

A recent development in these last few years is that a famous person will stalk you in turn making you the attention of that famous persons fans. This is a dangerous thing to do to someone who doesn't have that protective barrier that wealthy people have to separate them from obsessive fanatics. They have this down to a machine like precision. If enough of these famous meddlers tactifully draw attention to you then the obsessive fanatics start to see you as the go-between and connector for reaching those famous people that they saw give you attention. This works well if you don't recognize that famous person. If you do recognize them and you are wise to their ill intentions you might cause a scene to repel or punish them. That's why there are some highly organized circles of famous people that work together to cause these meddling incidents.

For someone that is famous and wealthy that enjoys meddling in the lives of largely unable to resist working class people, they have a number of tokens in their favor to get away with whatever harrassing or endangering behavior they want. They are famous. Fans worship them and given the right circumstances would let their hero get away with whatever he wants, even if someone gets killed. No consequence. Thier fans will cover it up. Another thing is that nobodies going to believe a convenience store clerk that a famous person put sugar in their tank (for example) or that a famous person is prank calling them and following them around town. Nobodies gonna believe you. What are you, crazy? Prove it. You know what I mean. Another thing is the wealth. If you arent famous but you are wealthy you can pretty much do whatever you want and the only consequence for your meddling is your victim is really good at defending themselves. The list can go on but to sum it up, if you become a target of wealthy and famous people then you can kiss your ass goodbye. You're not going to win.

So that brings me to the question of this thread, a question of herd mentality. If enough people stalk you does that make it alright because you cant stop them? What should a person do in this situation? How can someone return to a safe life with the stalking, sabotage and meddling removed? What do you do when the U.S. government ignores what you tell them and makes light of it like its a funny joke? These people ruin lives, innocent lives. They think life is a game.

And here's one last thing about people that defend these sort of famous backstabbers. Like say right now. On a message board. I imagine that someone will try to divert the thread off subject and questions like "who are these famous people causing these problems?" and "what are they doing exactly to you and your family?" If answered questions like those the thread would quickly become a way for fans of the stalker to get more details to obsess over and it would become a way to gratify the ego of such stalkers who would likely ending up reading the thread and would serve as something to gloat about. Also, sharing such details on a message board would not resolve the problem. Big problems require big solutions.

Personally, I have never been a big fanatic that needs to worship heros to fulfill his life. I understand enjoying entertainment but I don't understand why fanatics act the way they do. I don't care to know why but I am 100% fucking sure that I don't want any of them around me.
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Check this out. For many years now some rich and famous people have stalked and sabotaged my family for basically my whole life. Through all these years never once has it become clear what the reason for all the meddling was. Not the slightest reason has ever been given and to this day I deal with these hardships without knowing what caused them or how to end them. There has never been any famous people in our lives so my big question is why has my family been this target and what motivates them?

Through the years many lives in my family were ruined and some of them lost due to interference from these wealthy and famous people.

A recent development in these last few years is that a famous person will stalk you in turn making you the attention of that famous persons fans. This is a dangerous thing to do to someone who doesn't have that protective barrier that wealthy people have to separate them from obsessive fanatics. They have this down to a machine like precision. If enough of these famous meddlers tactifully draw attention to you then the obsessive fanatics start to see you as the go-between and connector for reaching those famous people that they saw give you attention. This works well if you don't recognize that famous person. If you do recognize them and you are wise to their ill intentions you might cause a scene to repel or punish them. That's why there are some highly organized circles of famous people that work together to cause these meddling incidents.

For someone that is famous and wealthy that enjoys meddling in the lives of largely unable to resist working class people, they have a number of tokens in their favor to get away with whatever harrassing or endangering behavior they want. They are famous. Fans worship them and given the right circumstances would let their hero get away with whatever he wants, even if someone gets killed. No consequence. Thier fans will cover it up. Another thing is that nobodies going to believe a convenience store clerk that a famous person put sugar in their tank (for example) or that a famous person is prank calling them and following them around town. Nobodies gonna believe you. What are you, crazy? Prove it. You know what I mean. Another thing is the wealth. If you arent famous but you ar. wealthy you can pretty much do whatever you want and the only consequence for your meddling is your victim is really good at defending themselves. The list can go on but to sum it up, if you become a target of wealthy and fams people then you can kiss your ass goodbye. You're not going to win.

So that brings me to the question of this thread, a question of herd mentality. If enough people stalk you does that alright because you cant stop them? What should a person do in this situation? How can someone return to a safe life with the stalking, sabotage and meddling removed? What do you do when the U.S. gpvernment ignores what you tell them and makes light of it like its a funny joke? These people ruin lives, innocent lives. They think life is a game.

Why would anyone believe anything you're saying?
Check this out. For many years now some rich and famous people have stalked and sabotaged my family for basically my whole life. Through all these years never once has it become clear what the reason for all the meddling was. Not the slightest reason has ever been given and to this day I deal with these hardships without knowing what caused them or how to end them. There has never been any famous people in our lives so my big question is why has my family been this target and what motivates them?

Through the years many lives in my family were ruined and some of them lost due to interference from these wealthy and famous people.

A recent development in these last few years is that a famous person will stalk you in turn making you the attention of that famous persons fans. This is a dangerous thing to do to someone who doesn't have that protective barrier that wealthy people have to separate them from obsessive fanatics. They have this down to a machine like precision. If enough of these famous meddlers tactifully draw attention to you then the obsessive fanatics start to see you as the go-between and connector for reaching those famous people that they saw give you attention. This works well if you don't recognize that famous person. If you do recognize them and you are wise to their ill intentions you might cause a scene to repel or punish them. That's why there are some highly organized circles of famous people that work together to cause these meddling incidents.

For someone that is famous and wealthy that enjoys meddling in the lives of largely unable to resist working class people, they have a number of tokens in their favor to get away with whatever harrassing or endangering behavior they want. They are famous. Fans worship them and given the right circumstances would let their hero get away with whatever he wants, even if someone gets killed. No consequence. Thier fans will cover it up. Another thing is that nobodies going to believe a convenience store clerk that a famous person put sugar in their tank (for example) or that a famous person is prank calling them and following them around town. Nobodies gonna believe you. What are you, crazy? Prove it. You know what I mean. Another thing is the wealth. If you arent famous but you are wealthy you can pretty much do whatever you want and the only consequence for your meddling is your victim is really good at defending themselves. The list can go on but to sum it up, if you become a target of wealthy and famous people then you can kiss your ass goodbye. You're not going to win.

So that brings me to the question of this thread, a question of herd mentality. If enough people stalk you does that make it alright because you cant stop them? What should a person do in this situation? How can someone return to a safe life with the stalking, sabotage and meddling removed? What do you do when the U.S. government ignores what you tell them and makes light of it like its a funny joke? These people ruin lives, innocent lives. They think life is a game.

And here's one last thing about people that defend these sort of famous backstabbers. Like say right now. On a message board. I imagine that someone will try to divert the thread off subject and questions like "who are these famous people causing these problems?" and "what are they doing exactly to you and your family?" If answered questions like those the thread would quickly become a way for fans of the stalker to get more details to obsess over and it would become a way to gratify the ego of such stalkers who would likely ending up reading the thread and would serve as something to gloat about. Also, sharing such details on a message board would not resolve the problem. Big problems require big solutions.

Personally, I have never been a big fanatic that needs to worship heros to fulfill his life. I understand enjoying entertainment but I don't understand why fanatics act the way they do. I don't care to know why but I am 100% fucking sure that I don't want any of them around me.

You've been down this "path" already. :palm:

I am 100% convinced that if a certain rock singer doesnt quit stalking me...

Yet another rich and famous guy begs a poor unfortunate nobody for attention

Does fame impress you?

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You've been down this "path" already. :palm:

I mentioned this before in another thread. So, I really don't expect to find the solution on a message board, but at least its there for all to see and if someone else has the same problem they can see that hey, silence doesn't solve these sort of things. Call the U.S. government and demand direct recoursive action.

I'm probably the only person to ever talk about this through a public medium. AND probably one of the, if not, THE WORST case scenario of this sort of conspiratorial deceit.

Its like winning the lottery. The lottery of shit and unluckiness.
You don't want to win the lottery of shit. If I could give this winning ticket away I would pay you to take it. If that were possible. You would probably be dead in 3 years. Its that tough.
I mentioned this before in another thread. So, I really don't expect to find the solution on a message board, but at least its there for all to see and if someone else has the same problem they can see that hey, silence doesn't solve these sort of things. Call the U.S. government and demand direct recoursive action.

I'm probably the only person to ever talk about this through a public medium. AND probably one of the, if not, THE WORST case scenario of this sort of conspiratorial deceit.

Its like winning the lottery. The lottery of shit and unluckiness.

Looking at the responses you "received", it appears that no one really gives a fuck.

Looking at the responses you "received", it appears that no one really gives a fuck.

It doesn't matter if you care. Pity parties are for females. I'm asking for sufficient advice in how to end their targeting. What would you do if you were in this situation? How would make them stop so that you could get on with your life like everyone else you see every fucking day gets to do?
It doesn't matter if you care. Pity parties are for females.

And therefore, I'm going to leave your pity party to yourself.
