If Evmetro annoys you with trolling, just wish him a merry Christmas.

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.

The ugly political divide that separates us does not go away to honor victims of mass shootings or those who paid the ultimate price defending our country, and it does not go away on holidays either. I do wish you and every lefty on this board a Merry Christmas, but I will not forget for a moment that we are at war with each other. Politics in our country these days run deeper than race or religion, so I do not plan on letting my guard down for even a second. Thank you for the honor of being the topic of a thread, and Merry Christmas.
The ugly political divide that separates us does not go away to honor victims of mass shootings or those who paid the ultimate price defending our country, and it does not go away on holidays either. I do wish you and every lefty on this board a Merry Christmas, but I will not forget for a moment that we are at war with each other. Politics in our country these days run deeper than race or religion, so I do not plan on letting my guard down for even a second. Thank you for the honor of being the topic of a thread, and Merry Christmas.

“Here's my prediction. That Evmetro will post some babbling piece of horseshit, then predict that when he is called on said horseshit will respond with "I told you so!"

Thank you in advance for proving me right.”
“Here's my prediction. That Evmetro will post some babbling piece of horseshit, then predict that when he is called on said horseshit will respond with "I told you so!"

Thank you in advance for proving me right.”

If he says we're at war, than he's got a separatist mind, just like the confederate traders, and haters. Or he's just a loose lipped, asinine troll. Who knows anymore? Trump has made it where you can't tell between Trumpies, and trolls much anymore. One thing is for sure though. He's a sad soul, and needs some holiday cheer. Eves should spike some cocoa with some brandy, and sip himself into a nice calm.
If he says we're at war, than he's got a separatist mind, just like the confederate traders, and haters. Or he's just a loose lipped, asinine troll. Who knows anymore? Trump has made it where you can't tell between Trumpies, and trolls much anymore. One thing is for sure though. He's a sad soul, and needs some holiday cheer. Eves should spike some cocoa with some brandy, and sip himself into a nice calm.

His MO is just exactly what I posted back in June.

He posts complete horseshit and finishes with a prediction that "lefties" will attack him. Then, when the inevitable happens, posts the "I told you so."

Much like the Bible Thumpers that "predict" their myths will be attacked by Satan and his minions. When called on their myths, again, "See, the Bible predicted this!"
His MO is just exactly what I posted back in June.

He posts complete horseshit and finishes with a prediction that "lefties" will attack him. Then, when the inevitable happens, posts the "I told you so."

Much like the Bible Thumpers that "predict" their myths will be attacked by Satan and his minions. When called on their myths, again, "See, the Bible predicted this!"

Well I happen to be A Christian myself, but I hold true to it, and don't smear other people with it like some. Some forget how they are supposed to handle the sins of others, and get all uppity, and become engulfed in anger driven by aversion. This issue is talked about in the bible, when they talk about Leapers.