If George Santos and Kari Lake had a child...

Joe Capitalist

Racism is a disease
Santos admitted he “embellished his resume”. He invented his resume. He lied about his religion, lied about his family heritage, lied about his marriage, lied about having a college degree, lied about his employment positions. He’s in good company in his political party.
This is a current event? What say you mods? If yes,...then OPEN THE FLOODGATES we can fill this section with a whole lot of our own current events.
I can see it now.......... " If Kamala Harris fucked a monkey........The monkey would catch syphilis. " Poor monkey. :(
Santos admitted he “embellished his resume”. He invented his resume. He lied about his religion, lied about his family heritage, lied about his marriage, lied about having a college degree, lied about his employment positions. He’s in good company in his political party.

This is where our nation has come by allowing lying politicians to populate our Capitol.

What Happens to George Santos Now?
What can Congress do about this?

Not much, and certainly nothing until Santos is sworn into office in a week’s time. The House and Senate ethics committee typically investigates lawmakers for questionable actions executed while serving in Congress—not actions prior to that. There have been some exceptions, like in 2017 with former Nevada Democrat Rubén Kihuen, who was investigated over inappropriate advances made on a campaign staffer during his campaign. The ethics committee concluded Kihuen did engage in inappropriate behavior and sexual harassment—but he didn’t resign. Instead, Kihuen chose not to seek reelection in 2018.

It’s not yet clear what Congress is going to do about Santos. Once he’s sworn in, he will be fair game for ethics investigations. Lying isn’t a crime, but where Santos could get in real trouble is if he ran afoul of any campaign finance laws. There’s reason to be suspicious: In required financial disclosure documents from his failed 2020 campaign, Santos declared basically no assets and a salary of $55,000. Fast-forward to his 2022 campaign, and his disclosure form claimed a $750,000 salary and several million in assets—but no documentation explaining that jump. There are no public details about the Devolder Organization, his alleged “family’s firm” that supposedly managed $80 million in assets, which could be a violation of federal law that requires disclosure of any compensation in excess of $5,000 from a single source.
Santos admitted he “embellished his resume”. He invented his resume. He lied about his religion, lied about his family heritage, lied about his marriage, lied about having a college degree, lied about his employment positions. He’s in good company in his political party.

Yup. He'll fit right in with the delusional bullshitters like MTG, Lauren Boobert, Matt Gaetz, Gym Jordan, Louie Gohmert, Paul Gosar, Ted Cruz and the other right wing loons.
Racist scum

Exactly what about my post is racist? NOTHING. Thats why people are absolutely fed up with people like you who see racism in EVERYTHING . Even when its not there to see. Look in the mirror,....you may well be the scum.
Exactly what about my post is racist? NOTHING. Thats why people are absolutely fed up with people like you who see racism in EVERYTHING . Even when its not there to see. Look in the mirror,....you may well be the scum.

Racists don't know they're racists. You are a pathetic human being. You and TDaK are birds of a feather...
Yup. He'll fit right in with the delusional bullshitters like MTG, Lauren Boobert, Matt Gaetz, Gym Jordan, Louie Gohmert, Paul Gosar, Ted Cruz and the other right wing loons.

She is actually defending him

The Republican Party thinks he has a future in their party

He just demonstrated how much he can lie and win an election

Watch out Trump

They will want him over trump

Trump can lie but he can’t win elections anymore
Santos admitted he “embellished his resume”. He invented his resume. He lied about his religion, lied about his family heritage, lied about his marriage, lied about having a college degree, lied about his employment positions. He’s in good company in his political party.

I don't watch Tucker, but I saw clips of Tulsi Gabbard, filling in for Tucker, torturing Santos yesterday. She did a good job. I was surprised.
There must have been some violations of campaign laws by that clown.

I wouldn't be surprised if he gets indicted and charged with something.
I can see it now.......... " If Kamala Harris fucked a monkey........The monkey would catch syphilis. " Poor monkey. :(

It would probably also be confused with your brother, who is the result of a similar union involving your mother.