If God sends people to hell and torments them for all eternity

If I put you on a balcony and at the bottom there is a bunch of metal spikes and broken glass on the right and fluffy pillows on the left and i tell you to choose and you jump on the spikes am I evil for having had you make a choice such as this?

Also god can't be evil if he's the official arbiter of what is good and bad in the universe.
If I put you on a balcony and at the bottom there is a bunch of metal spikes and broken glass on the right and fluffy pillows on the left and i tell you to choose and you jump on the spikes am I evil for having had you make a choice such as this?

You'd be evil if you made crazy people shout the supposed directions at me (you only speak through mediums even though you have full power to talk to me directly, cus if you told me directly it just wouldn't be as cool) and made the spike and fluffy pillow invisible so that I couldn't tell which is which. You'd be a little bit like Jigsaw, actually.

Anyone who worships god is evil and deserves to die.
And anyway, if you had the power to prevent me from going on the spikes and you let me go anyway you'd still be evil. You have a responsibility to save people. Let's not forget that hell is entirely god's invention and he's fully and solely responsible for the evil things he's doing.

He could also make hell go away at any second but CHOOSES not to, further proof of his evil. Because if I were suffering on the spikes you MADE AND PURPOSELY OBSCURED down below and you had the power to effortlessly make it go away but did nothing, you'd be evil.
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i agree. god shouldn't obscure the spikes and if he wants us to believe in him he shouldn't be hanging by the pool 2000 years ago and all of a sudden not show up.
i agree. god shouldn't obscure the spikes and if he wants us to believe in him he shouldn't be hanging by the pool 2000 years ago and all of a sudden not show up.

Seriously, expanding on your original analogy, if God were real, it's like he put 1000 different spiked traps down there with one pillpw, and made them all invisible so you couldn't tell which is which, and has hired a thousand different crazy people to shout at us fanatically and try to convince us to jump into the one they'd like to jump into. And if we take to long, he just shoves us into one of the spiky ones automatically.

I'm just going to assume that they're all spiky and he really has no power over it anyway, and he's not omnibenevolent in the least and doesn't even care about us. Sort of like, oh, the laws of nature.
Seriously, expanding on your original analogy, if God were real, it's like he put 1000 different spiked traps down there with one pillpw, and made them all invisible so you couldn't tell which is which, and has hired a thousand different crazy people to shout at us fanatically and try to convince us to jump into the one they'd like to jump into. And if we take to long, he just shoves us into one of the spiky ones automatically.

I'm just going to assume that they're all spiky and he really has no power over it anyway, and he's not omnibenevolent in the least and doesn't even care about us. Sort of like, oh, the laws of nature.


Enjoy your spike.
You will be in hell for even thinking this and I will go to heaven and look down upon you and laugh.
If god controls all and makes all then hell is but one of his domains.

Or he does not make and control all ?