If ‘good’ white people don’t decry Arbery’s death, then, maybe, you’re not that good

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
A white man, 64-year-old former district attorney’s investigator Gregory McMichael, saw him running and thought he looked like the suspect in a series of local break-ins. In other words, he was black. McMichael and his 34-year-old son Travis armed themselves, jumped in a truck and took off.

It was not until Thursday, two days after release of the video triggered a national chorus of condemnation raining down on the tiny south Georgia county, that the McMichaels were finally jailed. It had taken 74 days. Seventy-four days. And will that bring justice? This is America, so don’t hold your breath.

If that sounds bitter, well, bitterness seems an entirely appropriate response to what was captured in that video. Meaning not just another murder of another unarmed man, but yet another iteration of the eternal, infernal arrogance that infects so much of white America, this notion that a white man or woman has the divine right to require any given black person to justify their presence and activities.

“Why are you barbecuing in that public park?”

“Why are you swimming in that public pool?”

“Why are you jogging down that public street bothering no one, minding your own damn business?”

All white people? No. Of course not. But more white people than many white people would readily concede.

And the very need to place that disclaimer, the recognition that without it — and likely, even with it — some white readers will go away clutching their pearls about my supposed “racism” toward them, speaks volumes. Racism is not hurt feelings. It is systematized oppression that bars you from opportunity and steers you toward calamity every waking day from cradle to grave, that allows you to be murdered on camera, in cold blood in broad daylight - and your assailants to be home in time for dinner.

Trayvon, Tamir, Michael, Philando, John, Amadou, Ahmaud — it’s enough. It’s too much.

And all the “good” white people who needed the disclaimer, who needed their blamelessness acknowledged, must understand that it’s not enough that you’re able to avoid getting caught on video being a racist jerk.

but yet another iteration of the eternal, infernal arrogance that infects so much of white America, this notion that a white man or woman has the divine right to require any given black person to justify their presence and activities.
All 4 of them were tards.

Am I sad the thief tried to assault a dumbass and grab his gun and got shot? No.

but yet another iteration of the eternal, infernal arrogance that infects so much of white America, this notion that a white man or woman has the divine right to require any given black person to justify their presence and activities.

Shut the fuck up.
The tard father and son terrorist gang tangled with the wrong man, in the end.

The remainder of their short lives will be with the brothers behind bars.
The tard father and son terrorist gang tangled with the wrong man, in the end.

The remainder of their short lives will be with the brothers behind bars.

Those southern crackas think this is 1950's America, the peckwerwoods fail to realize they are becoming the new minority with all that entails :laugh:

Those southern crackas think this is 1950's America, the peckwerwoods fail to realize they are becoming the new minority with all that entails :laugh:


Crackers didn't crack the whip on humans, stupid fuck Guno.

There were white and black crackers, dumbass.

If a black man made it south of St. Mary's river, he was considered a free man for hire just like anybody else.
Them ranchers did not care what the color of skin was of the people that rounded up their cows.
Crackers crack whips around cows, you retard fuck!
The 1st thing missing from your retard pic is a man on a horse, derp!
FL was not a cotton state, but there is the cracker trail. Google "Cracker trail" you mental midget!
I'm not sure that grabbing the wrong end of a shotgun is the Real Smart thing to do. (?)

A white man, 64-year-old former district attorney’s investigator Gregory McMichael, saw him running and thought he looked like the suspect in a series of local break-ins. In other words, he was black. McMichael and his 34-year-old son Travis armed themselves, jumped in a truck and took off.

It was not until Thursday, two days after release of the video triggered a national chorus of condemnation raining down on the tiny south Georgia county, that the McMichaels were finally jailed. It had taken 74 days. Seventy-four days. And will that bring justice? This is America, so don’t hold your breath.

If that sounds bitter, well, bitterness seems an entirely appropriate response to what was captured in that video. Meaning not just another murder of another unarmed man, but yet another iteration of the eternal, infernal arrogance that infects so much of white America, this notion that a white man or woman has the divine right to require any given black person to justify their presence and activities.

“Why are you barbecuing in that public park?”

“Why are you swimming in that public pool?”

“Why are you jogging down that public street bothering no one, minding your own damn business?”

All white people? No. Of course not. But more white people than many white people would readily concede.

And the very need to place that disclaimer, the recognition that without it — and likely, even with it — some white readers will go away clutching their pearls about my supposed “racism” toward them, speaks volumes. Racism is not hurt feelings. It is systematized oppression that bars you from opportunity and steers you toward calamity every waking day from cradle to grave, that allows you to be murdered on camera, in cold blood in broad daylight - and your assailants to be home in time for dinner.

Trayvon, Tamir, Michael, Philando, John, Amadou, Ahmaud — it’s enough. It’s too much.

And all the “good” white people who needed the disclaimer, who needed their blamelessness acknowledged, must understand that it’s not enough that you’re able to avoid getting caught on video being a racist jerk.

Crackers didn't crack the whip on humans, stupid fuck Guno.

There were white and black crackers, dumbass.

If a black man made it south of St. Mary's river, he was considered a free man for hire just like anybody else.
Them ranchers did not care what the color of skin was of the people that rounded up their cows.
Crackers crack whips around cows, you retard fuck!
The 1st thing missing from your retard pic is a man on a horse, derp!
FL was not a cotton state, but there is the cracker trail. Google "Cracker trail" you mental midget!

Such an attitude is short and the intellect seems less.

FL was a cattle state among other businesses.

It treated black men poorly.

But keep up the hope that the Trumpers won't be treated that badly after Biden's victory and the Dem sweep in November.

But, my friend, you will follow the law.
Such an attitude is short and the intellect seems less.

FL was a cattle state among other businesses.

It treated black men poorly.

But keep up the hope that the Trumpers won't be treated that badly after Biden's victory and the Dem sweep in November.

But, my friend, you will follow the law.

STFU, commie cunt pigfucker!
Cotton doesn't even grow in FL, dumbass!
Yeah, you wish. If Biden wins, there's tomfoolery afoot.
A white man, 64-year-old former district attorney’s investigator Gregory McMichael, saw him running and thought he looked like the suspect in a series of local break-ins. In other words, he was black
Are you saying all blacks look the same?:thinking:
jimmymccready View Post
Such an attitude is short and the intellect seems less.

FL was a cattle state among other businesses.

It treated black men poorly.

But keep up the hope that the Trumpers won't be treated that badly after Biden's victory and the Dem sweep in November.

But, my friend, you will follow the law.

STFU, commie cunt pigfucker!
Cotton doesn't even grow in FL, dumbass!
Yeah, you wish. If Biden wins, there's tomfoolery afoot.

Cotton does grow in Florida, but it is not a major crop, as was cattle at one time.

When Biden wins, the far right foolish ones better not rise up.
jimmymccready View Post
Such an attitude is short and the intellect seems less.

FL was a cattle state among other businesses.

It treated black men poorly.

But keep up the hope that the Trumpers won't be treated that badly after Biden's victory and the Dem sweep in November.

But, my friend, you will follow the law.

Cotton does grow in Florida, but it is not a major crop, as was cattle at one time.

When Biden wins, the far right foolish ones better not rise up.

Or wut? You gonna shill 'em to to death?