If he were a Democrat there would be outrage!


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WASHINGTON - Republican presidential contender John McCain (news, bio, voting record), a staunch backer of the Iraq war but critic of how President Bush has waged it, said U.S. lives had been "wasted" in the four-year-old conflict. Democrats demand the Arizona senator apologize for the comment as Sen. Barack Obama (news, bio, voting record) did when the Democratic White House hopeful recently made the same observation.

Opps. I guess the Republican manufactured outrage crowd will have to stay off of the talk shows now.

How unspeakably...akward for them.
I guess McCain hates America....

I guess he is unpatirotic....

I guess he is a French frog in discuise.
Hmmmmm.....I'm guessing the "outrage" at Obama's remark about "wasted" lives, was manufacutured and phony.

I'm just guessing though. Maybe Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity will attack McCain for saying the same thing.
Did anyone listen to Hannity today, was he outraged? I saw Oriley who did not mention it...
McCain said that the troops lives had been wasted.

Obama when first asked said, "what did he say, I must have missed it". THen later said, I know what he ment, we all know what he ment!