If I could be at home right now ...


Moderate Republican
Staff member
If I could be at home right now (Friday, Feb. 26, 2010) my boy and I would be playing with the sled and the 4-wheeler in the snow. Perfect play snow...34 degrees with about 2 inches on the ground and still pouring down. Man I wish we could go home....This is Oklahoma and the snow will be gone by tomorrow. ;)
If I could be at home right now (Friday, Feb. 26, 2010) my boy and I would be playing with the sled and the 4-wheeler in the snow. Perfect play snow...34 degrees with about 2 inches on the ground and still pouring down. Man I wish we could go home....This is Oklahoma and the snow will be gone by tomorrow. ;)

I wish for you that you could go home and play with your son in the snow. Happily it's just missing us because I have to cart all this stuff to the fairgrounds in an open-bed pickup that I'm not used to driving. I don't need icy roads and wet provisions! Also I keep trying to change gears -- not cool.
If I could be at home right now (Friday, Feb. 26, 2010) my boy and I would be playing with the sled and the 4-wheeler in the snow. Perfect play snow...34 degrees with about 2 inches on the ground and still pouring down. Man I wish we could go home....This is Oklahoma and the snow will be gone by tomorrow. ;)
Please take this in the spirit intended from the fine folks in Ohio where we just broke a century old record for snow fall in February.....BITE ME!!!
I wish for you that you could go home and play with your son in the snow. Happily it's just missing us because I have to cart all this stuff to the fairgrounds in an open-bed pickup that I'm not used to driving. I don't need icy roads and wet provisions! Also I keep trying to change gears -- not cool.
You wouldn't last long here would you Thorn?
You wouldn't last long here would you Thorn?

I'm from Canada, remember? :)

But this weekend I have some big responsibilities at our semiannual AKC Obedience and Rally Trials, including showing my Aussie in Rally for the first time. So pleasant weather is extremely welcome. If I could stick to driving my Jeep there'd be no problem but I have to haul supplies in my husband's giant Silverado pickup. Driving is fine, but maneuvering to park to load and unload is still a challenge. I've driven it a total of three times, ever.

My Jeep has a 6 forward speed Mercedes Standard transmission and on-call four wheel drive, either High or Low depending on driving conditions. The Chevy has automatic transmission and I don't know where the 4WD thingy is. Also the lights come on automatically, I understand. First time I drove I spent a lot of time looking for the lights. My husband is 6'1" tall and I'm little. I have to change everything -- seat, mirrors, etc. -- before I even get started. Oh well, I'm glad to have the use of it, really.
I'm from Canada, remember? :)

But this weekend I have some big responsibilities at our semiannual AKC Obedience and Rally Trials, including showing my Aussie in Rally for the first time. So pleasant weather is extremely welcome. If I could stick to driving my Jeep there'd be no problem but I have to haul supplies in my husband's giant Silverado pickup. Driving is fine, but maneuvering to park to load and unload is still a challenge. I've driven it a total of three times, ever.

My Jeep has a 6 forward speed Mercedes Standard transmission and on-call four wheel drive, either High or Low depending on driving conditions. The Chevy has automatic transmission and I don't know where the 4WD thingy is. Also the lights come on automatically, I understand. First time I drove I spent a lot of time looking for the lights. My husband is 6'1" tall and I'm little. I have to change everything -- seat, mirrors, etc. -- before I even get started. Oh well, I'm glad to have the use of it, really.

Hey Thorn;

I just got the wife a MinPin...any suggestions for training the little excape artist?