OK. This is actually funny. (congratulations)
Suck it, leftist scum.
I have never found racist dumbasses to be funny or worthy of respect. The sooner they die off the better off the planet will be.
I have never found racist dumbasses to be funny or worthy of respect. The sooner they die off the better off the planet will be.
You ignorant pole smokers don't know what racist is. You're all stupid lying sons of whores. You shit suckers are too stupid see what you are doing to the world. You deserve it, and will be the first ones fucked.
You ignorant pole smokers don't know what racist is. You're all stupid lying sons of whores. You shit suckers are too stupid see what you are doing to the world. You deserve it, and will be the first ones fucked.
Well that was lovely, I do hope you are the First POS I encounter when the SHTF, any time, Skippy.
Sorry, I don't let faggots blow me.
I have never found racist dumbasses to be funny or worthy of respect. The sooner they die off the better off the planet will be.
Blow you away would is far more likely, what ya waiting for, get that Revolution cranked up, you scared, yeah, you're all talk......
You would be all talk but you got a dick in your mouth.
I have never found racist dumbasses to be funny or worthy of respect. The sooner they die off the better off the planet will be.
And you've got a dick for a brain.
You would be all talk but you got a dick in your mouth.
Grow up little boy, you are Dismissed....