If I wanted plural tomatos

Now, would that be the left wing or the right wing? Would that be Americans or Europeans, old or young, black or white? Ahhh, I see it now.

Th' 'ole world is daft 'cept thee 'n' me an' I 'ave me doubts about thee sometimes.

Never mind, I'm sure its safe where you are and the strapped coats are nice and warm.

You people are all insane.
Never was to good at this English stuff. Talk about confusin. What the hell is a dangling participle and don't it hurt like hell to dangle one? And how the hell can I mix a metaphor when I don't what the hell it is? That's one thing I did love about President Bush (may he rest in peace) is that he could misscomunicate in a way any feller would know. That zippy the strawman presently aboding in the white house couldn't misscomunicate a tax return with out saying "Uhm" thirteen times in a row. Fellers so borin he should be a pitch man for cough syrup. He could put a sugar crazed 4 year old to sleep in three sentences. I never have figured out what the hell the mans talking about cause he puts me to sleep.

Buttz out.