If I were God


I would make an infinitely large universe with an infinite amount of infinitely hot chicks and I would do all infinite of them an infinite amount of times in an infinitely small period of time. This would not count as premature ejaculation.
I would make a race of supermen who swam in space, and road on toothless sharks with the fur of a camel. 1/3 of the universe would be filled with water, the other half would have no uranium, and the other 2/3 would be composed entirely of an element that doesn't exist. There would be no Republicans. No one would believe in me.

As punishment for Republicans, I would send them to a separate universe where the Christian God actually existed.
I would make a race of supermen who swam in space, and road on toothless sharks with the fur of a camel. 1/3 of the universe would be filled with water, the other half would have no uranium, and the other 2/3 would be composed entirely of an element that doesn't exist. There would be no Republicans. No one would believe in me.

As punishment for Republicans, I would send them to a separate universe where the Christian God actually existed.

Yeah, I'm pretty drunk too.
If I was god, I would hang out with people all the time, do cool magic tricks, talk to everyone, and just generally kick it. After a while though I would stop doing all that and give everyone the silent treatment. I would make sure they never saw me, heard me, or see any evidence of my existence. Then when they think I don't exist, I will torture them forever.
If I were god, beer would be the galactic drink of choice and have several planetary holidays to celebrate it.
We're all gods you stupid cupcakes. We're gods of our own domain.

Jesus, you're all goddamned fools.
THIS sir is why in the final analysis, those of your allies on the right are going to boil you in the same oil that they boil me in.
It's a shame if they do. But there is a total disconnect in the belief of the role of government on the left that makes them reject me immediately while the right seems more open to my deviation from their standard line.
If I was god, I would hang out with people all the time, do cool magic tricks, talk to everyone, and just generally kick it. After a while though I would stop doing all that and give everyone the silent treatment. I would make sure they never saw me, heard me, or see any evidence of my existence. Then when they think I don't exist, I will torture them forever.

So God is David Blaine?
If Watermark was God he'd be disappointed by the fact he had to have conversations with GWB in the shower.
but i thought buddhist did not believe in god, or is this like your own thing
Not all Buddhists are atheistic. Look at Tibetan Buddhism for an example of that.

Generally Mihayana Buddhism attracts what some call pantheists. Theravada Buddhism usually is where the atheistic land, but the two can be interchangeable for the pantheistic or deists...