If Imitating Others "Blackface" Is Unacceptable Time To Ban Transsexual Garbage

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
If Imitating Others "Blackface" Is Unacceptable Time To Ban Transsexual Garbage

If when homosexuality was legalized, discrimination against heterosexuality were criminalized it would have put a stop to this extremely sick and offensive transsexual garbage long ago. It's sick, it's disgusting, it's extremely offensive and it has got to go. Like it says in the title, if imitating to be someone you are not is so unacceptable then the shoe fits for all otherwise forget blackface you bunch of hypocritical idiots.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
I'm willing to bet this post seriously confuses primarily the left torn within their own pathetic rhetoric. Many of the thousand officials across Canada whom I sent it too earlier via email today I suspect likely buried their heads in shame and confusion upon reading this. They really don't appear to be all that bright for the most part. It's kind of like being governed by a bunch of glue sniffing addicts, kind of like what you guys have beneath Canada in the USA.