APP - If it is close then democrats will be able to cheat


Former Vice President
The election has to be overwhelmingly decisive in Trump's favor.

Any so called "libertarians" who think they have the luxury of a principled vote because it doesn't matter is playing a fools game

The democrats are telegraphing their hand. They are telling us they are going to cheat using mail in ballots. All they need on election night is to know the delta. How many votes do they need to "find" in order to drag Joe Hiden across the finish line.

For those of you who say it can't happen, look at the California seats that flipped from red to blue in 2018. Without those seats, Nancy Pelosi isn't Speaker and we aren't dragged through a pointless impeachment.

Even if you live in a solid blue state you must vote for Trump. His margin of victory has to be so overwhelming it will be too hard for the democrats to cheat.

If you don't, then you reap what you sow. The days of libertarians screwing things up are over. You either get right or stop wasting your time and vote democrat