If It Weren't So Pathetic, It'd Be Funny!


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If it weren't so pathetic, it would be comical. Democrat loyalist all over the country have now made a major issue over children of illegal immigrants being separated from their parents at our southern border. We're seeing larger and larger crowds demonstrating with chants and shouts. We're watching major leftist media ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN's constant interviews with their leftist political hacks, hysterically calling for the abolishment of America's Immigration and Customs Enforcement service, i.e., I.C.E. OK, I'm always for reducing the size and scope of the federal government. The problem is the shouting chanting lefties seem to have no solution to the problem of who's gonna flush out some of the most dangerous criminals in the country like MS13 and other terrorist and deport or jail them. Lefties seem stumped for answers to those kinds of questions.

I'll tell ya what I think the lefties are really doing. I don't think they really give a screaming bleep about the kids at the border, If they did they'd have started the child separation protest way back when Bush and Obama was separating those kids from the adults they illegally crossed the border with. I don't think the lefty Democrats give a flying bleep about abolishing I.C.E. I think what they really care about is the November Mid Term elections. They're looking to enormously and erroneously publicize anything they think will villanize Trump and the Republicans. They don't give a rat's ass about real issues, they only care about installing as many Democrat obstructionist into the Congress as they possibly can. They don't have solutions, they only have fake outrage over an issue that Trump has already addressed with his Executive Order to keep the illegal children at the border together with the adults they arrived at the border with, whoever the hell they are, nobody really knows until they're properly vetted and the court says you only have 20 days to do that, then you have to let the children go.
Separating kids from their parents can cause permanent mental damage. Hard to imagine, but some people relaly care about that. Not you, apparently, but some of us do.